Video Materials Held by GHS

Presentation Videos

Click on the upper right-hand corner of the video below to see a list of videos.
Or, scroll-down to see a list of videos with separate pages of information. 


Town Meeting Videos

Click on the upper right-hand corner of the video below to see the list of annual Town Meeting videos.
Or, scroll-down to see a list of videos with separate pages of information. 


Video Archive List

You may view the videos listed below by clicking on the link.  A new page will pop up containing a viewer in which the video will play.

Event Date Topic Presenter or Moderator Approx

Link to Video

(click to view)

Town Meeting 3/07/2023 "2023 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting" TBD TBD Upcoming
GHS Presentation: Winter 3/05/2023 "2023 - GHS Winter Presentation - Skiing in Greensboro" Willie Smith & Sandy Gebbie TBD Upcoming
GHS Presentation: Summer 8/08/2022 "2022 - GHS Summer Presentation - History of Land Conservation in Vermont" Bob Klein & Darby Bradley 64 "Bob Klein & Darby Bradley"
GHS Presentation: Spring 4/24/2022 "2022 - GHS Spring Presentation - Greensboro Cemeteries: Windows to the Past" Gina Jenkins 49 "Greensboro Cemeteries: Windows to the Past"
GHS Presentation: Summer 8/09/2021 "2021 - GHS Summer Presentation - Timothy Hinman - Part 1 of 2" Peggy Day Gibson 34 "Timothy Hinman: Rogue or Hero (part 1)"
GHS Presentation: Summer 8/09/2021 "2021 - GHS Summer Presentation - Timothy Hinman - Part 2 of 2" Gail Sangree 34 "Timothy Hinman: Rogue or Hero (part 2)"
Town Meeting 3/03/2020 "2020 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting" Tim Nisbet 138 "2020 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting"
GHS Presentation: Summer 3/01/2020 "From the Parlor to the Polling Place: Stories and Songs from the Suffragists" Linda Radtke 57 "Linda Radtke "From the Parlor to the Polling Place..."
GHS Presentation: Summer 8/05/2019 "The First Vermonters -- Indigenous People" Bobby Farlice-Rubio 99 "2019 - "The First Vermonters: Indigenous People"
Town Meeting 3/05/2019 "2019 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting" Tim Nisbet 136 "2019 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting"
GHS Presentation: Summer 8/06/2018 "The First Vermonters: 12,000 years of living here" Bobby Farlice-Rubio 120  "The First Vermonters: 12,000 years of living here"
Interview: Jane Sprenger 4/26/2018 "Jane Sprenger: Woman of A Century" Kyle Gray 40  "Jane Sprenger: Woman of A Century"
Town Meeting 3/06/2018 "2018 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting" Tim Nisbet 197 "2018 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting"
GHS Presentation 3/04/2018 "Selectboard" Clive Gray 71 "Selectboard"- Panel Discussion
GHS Presentation 8/07/2017 "Old China Hands" (Part 2) Michael Hoffman 83 "Old China Hands" (Part 2)
Town Meeting 3/07/2017 "2017 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting" Tim Nisbet 107 "2017 Greensboro Annual Town Meeting"
GHS Presentation 3/05/2017 "Car Talk: The History of Garages in Greensboro" Nancy Hill 68 "Car Talk: The History of Garages in Greensboro"
GHS Presentation 8/08/2016 "Old China Hands" (Part 1) Allen Davis 89  "Old China Hands" (Part 1)
GHS Presentation 3/06/2016 "Power of Water: Greensboro's Life Blood Yesterday and Today" Nancy Hill & Jenny Stoner 65  Video: GHS Presents Mar 06 2016
GHS Meeting 2/09/2016 Discussion with Larry Lumsden Nancy Hill (moderator) 36  Video: GHS Mtg Feb 09 2016
GHS Annual Mtg 8/10/2015 60's & 70's Counterculture in VT Wilhelmina Smith (moderator) 82 Video: GHS Annual Mtg Aug 10 2015
GHS Annual Mtg 8/11/2014 Slavery in Vermont Prof. Harvey Whitfield 80 Video: GHS Annual Mtg Aug 11, 2014 - slavery in VT
GHS/GUCC Meeting 7/14/2014 Greensboro's Teacher in Space Mike Metcalf 75 Video: Greensboro's Teacher in Space
GHS Meeting 3/2/2014 Local Home Knitters Break The Law (panel discussion) Wilhelmina Smith (moderator) 90 Video: Local Home Knitters
GHS Meeting 8/15/2013 Kesselman Reminiscences Nancy Hill (moderator) 81 Video: Kesselman Reminiscenses
GHS Annual Meeting 8/12/2013 Lakeshore Neighborhoods Randolph Road, Edgewood Lane, and Winnimere Wilhelmina Smith (moderator) 102 Video: GHS Annual Meeting August 12, 2013
GHS Meeting 7/8/2013 Blockhouse Archaeological Dig Dr. Jill Baker 58 Video: GHS Meeting July 8, 2013 Blockhouse Dig
GHS Meeting 3/3/2013 History of the Greensboro Road System Clive Gray et al. (moderators) 71 Video: GHS Roads Meeting March 3, 2013
GHS Annual Meeting 8/13/2012 Archaeological findings at an early Indian site in Keene, NH Dr. Robert Goodby 97 Video: GHS Annual Meeting - August 13, 2012
Greensboro Association Annual Meeting 8/10/2012 Status of the Highland Lodge Wilhelmina Smith 11 Video: Gboro Assoc Mtg Aug 10, 2012
GHS Meeting 7/9/2012 Greensboro Fire Department History (panel discussion) Greensboro firefighters 67 Video: GHS Meeting July 9, 2012

Greensboro Cemeteries: Windows to the Past