Officers & Trustees

Back left to right: Lise Armstrong, BJ Gray, Nancy Hill, Erica Karp, Martha Niemi
Front left to right: Wilhelmina Smith, Janet Long, Clive Gray



BJ Gray, President
Erika Karp, Vice-president

Amelia Circosta, Secretary
Lise Armstrong, Treasurer


Amelia Circosta
Paula Harmon
Debbie Kasper
Martha Niemi
Jane Johns (class of 2024)
Mark Snyder (class of 2025)
Skip Hoblin (class of 2026)
Renee Circosta (class of 2026)

Honorary Trustees

Nancy Hill
Wilhelmina Smith
Clive Gray
Janet Long

Committee Chairpersons

Wilhelmina Smith, Acquisitions
Gail Sangree, editor, Hazen Road Dispatch
Jenny Stoner, Program
Martha Niemi, Volunteers
Lise Armstrong, Maintenance
Kyle Gray, Website
Kyle Gray & Lise Armstrong, Facebook