Journal of the Greensboro, (Vt.) Historical Society
by Patricia L. Haslam
The Hazen Road Dispatch began in 1975 as the newsletter for the the Greensboro Bicentennial Committee for the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976. The index for 1975 to 1991 was completed in 1991. Sally Fisher, long-time editor, retired in 1995. Her successors are Stefani Ayers Cravedi, who began her editorship in 1996, with Andrea Perham, associate editor. Titles of articles with authors are listed chronologically. Again, place names are interwoven alphabetically within the every-name listing. Please note that the computer sorts maiden names of wives (within parenthesis) grouped at the beginning of each letter of the alphabet, rather than within each letter alphabetically. One must search each place within each letter of the alphabet to retrieve the needed information.
Ch= church
Co= county or company
comm= committee
conv= convention
Crafts= Craftsbury
Ctr= Center
F= Fall issue
Gr= Greensboro
Hdwk= Hardwick
illus/pic= illustration
Mtn= mountain
Soc= Society
Sp= Spring issue
Su= Summer issue
VOL. 17 (1992) TO VOL. 21 (1996)
Articles: (by volume and page)
Vol. 17 - 1992:
01 Long Pond: Greensboro's Other Lake - Allen F. Davis
04 Tamarac Ranch5 The Flood of 1927 - Alan B. Howes
06 Growing Up With Greensboro - Connie Votey
06 Greensboro Mills Post Office - Allen F. Davis
07 A Four-Year Old's View of the Flood of 1927 - Priscilla Carter
08 First Congregational [Church], E. Hardwick - Joyce S. Mitchell
10 E. Hardwick Scatterings
11 Hooked on History: Trolling the Ponds of Print - Charles T. Morrissey
11 Slade's Girls: Mary Field & Others from Greensboro & Hardwick
13 Transplants in the Granite Business: Did Hardwick Beckon & Dispatch?
14 Silas Mason: The Horticulturalist Who Went Away From the Cold
15 The Case of the "Cupid-Like Corpse"
16 Vermont Historical Society Exhibit - World War II
17 Dad and His Scotch Songs - John Allen
18 John Richardson's Fiddle - Sally Fisher
20 Taking the Waters in Hardwick - Haynesville Springs
22 The Guy Bailey Family [essay within "The University of Vt.: the First 200 Years," 1991] - Allen F. Davis
22 Hazen Road Dispatch indexed
23 Greensboro's Fountain of Youth - Lewis Hill
24 Liza's Legacy- The Bessie Drennan Show - Sally Fisher
26 I Remember Bub Rowell - Joyce S. Mitchell
27 The Hockings and Days - Margaret Corwin
30 Writings by Greensboro Authors 1991-1992 - Lewis Hill
31 Cobb School Researched & Remembered - Sally Fisher
33 Feedback On The Remarkable C.U. Bears [ref. HRD 1991] - Sally Fisher
34 Craftsbury's Ozymandias - Daniel A. Metraux
35 Other Historical Markers & Signs
36 Edgewood Lane - Ruth L. Dales
36 Living It Up in Washington in 1816
37 Anecdotes from Historical Society Annual Meeting 1991
38 Milestones & Other Happenings
Vol. 18 - 1993
01 "Local Lumps" - Allen Davis
03 Greensboro Historical Society Needs a Building
04 Greensboro Authors 1992-1993
05 A Remembrance of Wallace Stegner - Sherrard Gray
06 Miracle Waters of Caspian - Russell H. Peck
08 Emilie Perry Recalls Mountain View's Early Days - Lib & George Bishop
12 Caspianshire Espoliered - Charles T. Morrissey
16 The Greensboro Free Pleasure Dome - Dan Cohen
17 Pickling Time & William Tell - Doris Bridgman Williams
18 The Great Grange Robbery of '92: A Full Confession - Wes Averill
19 Some Struck It Rich- They Did Not - Sally Fisher
23 Eveningside & "The Aunties" - Alan B. Howes
24 Follow-Ups on HRD '92- Sally Fisher
25 News from the North Shore - Katrina V.H. Taylor & Elise V.H. Ferber
27 Amos Porter Journal
28 Hardwick's 5 & 10 Cent Store - Joyce S. Mitchell
30 "In & About" Hardwick Gazette 1899
31 A Summerhouse Heritage - Pennell Peck
32 How About Your Summerhouse Heritage - Greensboro Historical Society33 String Too Short to Save
33 Conversation With an Area Grave Digger
34 Miss Jean's Shakespeare Plays - Sally Fisher
35 Mary Wilson's Hummingbird - Sally Fisher
Vol. 19 - 1994
01 The Homefront in Hardwick - Allen F. Davis
06 How I Happened to Come to Greensboro - Bronwyn B. Potter
08 Echoes From the Past - Anne H. Wilson
11 History from the Newspapers - Sally Fisher
12 Charlie's "Collectings" - Charlie Morrissey
14 Booker T. Washington Thanks Marcia Snyder
15 Dinner at Gebbies and Wilsons - Sally Fisher
16 I Remember Hardwick Academy - Joyce S. Mitchell
20 How The Hunsbergers Discovered Greensboro - Ruth Hunsberger
21 The Kitchen Table - Penelope Easton
23 The Influence of the Scots in the Northeast Kingdom - Tom Smith
25 Welcome Back! Miller's Thumb!
26 John Tillotson Edsall - Sylvia Lotspeich & Ruth Hunsberger
30 As Little as Possible
31 A Century of Camping at Caspian - William T. Lane
33 Chats with Burt [Stone] - Sally Fisher
34 Found! [The China Journal]
35 Edgar Lee Masters' Northeast Kingdom - Charles T. Morrissey
37 Now It Can Be Told [Alexander Solzhenitsyn] - Sally Fisher
37 Greensboro Authors
38 The Simpson General Store - Daniel A. Metraux
39 Workshop on Preservation & Acquisitions - Alan B. Howes
40 Follow-ups on HRD '93 - Sally Fisher
41 Milestones
42 Facsimile photo - Pleasant St., E. Hardwick
Vol. 20 - 1995
01 Postcards From Greensboro - Allen F. Davis
05 Twenty Years of Hazen Road Dispatch - Sally Fisher
06 More Caspianshire Comments - Charles T. Morrissey
08 A Publication Note - Lacey Baldwin Smith
09 What It Meant to be a Successful Vermonter A Century Ago - Daniel A. Metraux
10 The Name of Stannard
11 South Hardwick Hotel Guest Book - Taylor Meyer
13 Hoax in South Hardwick - Sally Fisher
15 Depression Fees for Doctor's Services - Penelope Easton
17 Craftsbury Pageant Video on Sale - Alan B. Howes
18 50th Anniversary of World War II - Sally Fisher
19 "Heroic Comics" in 1943 Honor Dr. Luther Heidger - Sally Fisher
20 Hardwick's 200th Town Meeting - Icing on Cake- Sally Fisher
21 The Kesselman Papers - Sally Fisher
23 Jeanne Eisner Honored at Bountiful Buffet - Sally Fisher
24 Two Teachers Remember Gr's Young School - Sally Fisher & Dorothy Pease Morrison
26 That's Too Bad Department - Hardwick Gazette
27 Sunday School Centennial 1917 - Sally Fisher
29 Old Craftsbury Friends - Frank Easton
31 Eating Out in Hardwick - Joyce S. Mitchell
34 In-Box Items- Sally Fisher
35 Aspenhurst Farm & the Tolman Connection: the 200th Anniversary of Thomas Tolman, Jr. to Greensboro - Pat Haslam
37 Milestones - Sally Fisher
Vol. 21 - 1996
01 Letter from the Editor
02 What is the Greensboro Historical Society? A letter from Barbara Woodward, President
04 “When Through Talking, Hang Up the Receiver”: Early Telephone Service in Greensboro - Allen F. Davis
07 Greensboro Bend and the Stone Shed - Helen L. Anair
11 I Remember the United Church of Hardwick - Joyce Slayton Mitchell
16 New Discovery: Following Up on the Date for the Stone House - Patricia Haslam
18 Circling Caspian with Geography in Mind - Charles T. Morrissey
20 The Greensboro Historical Society’s New Home - Thomas Woodward
23 The Greensboro Historical Society’s Acquisitions Activity - Wilhelmina Smith
24 Lyles Newsletter (front page of Newsletter No. 34, December 1973)
25 That Boathouse on Wheels at The Poplars - Patricia Haslam
27 Croft Chronicles of Caspian Lake - Charlotte Sisil Croft
29 A Vermont Family’s Memories of Caspian Lake - Catherine Perry Wilkinson
36 Greensboro’s Civil War Deserter is Still Among the Missing - Charles T. Morrissey
37 Book Review: Where the Books Are by Patricia Belding; reviewed by Sally Fisher
39 Book Review: Sketches of Green Mountain Life by Elizabeth Allen; reviewed by Daniel Metraux
42 Feedback from 1995 - Sally Fisher
44 In Memoriam
Inside back cover- Publications for Sale
(Anderson), Sarah A. Gebbie - 19:23
Abate, Frank R. - 21:18
Achenbach, Rev. S.T.- 21:5
Adelson, Roger - 19:13
Advent Ch - 21:12
Aiken, D.W. - 20:12
Akeley, Jack - 17:38
Albany Cong’l Ch - 21:38
Albany Hist. Soc. - 19:41
Albany Town Library - 21:38
Albany, Vt. - 19:18, 35
Albee, Guy - 17:10
Alcott, Louisa May - 21:13
Alexander, Roberta (Spaulding) - 20:17
Alger, Horatio, Jr. - 20:9
Allen, Bess (Cook) - 19:28
Allen, David - 19:24
Allen, Elizabeth - 21: 39-41
Allen, Hilda - 17:24
Allen, Howard - 17:35; 21: 42, 43
Allen, Ira - 18:12
Allen, John - 17;17, 29, 37; 18:32; 19:28, 40; 20: 5, 28, 34; 21: 43, 44
Allen, Nancy - 21:42
Allen, Pardon - 17:17; 19:26;
Allen, Vivian - 17:17
Allman, Bill - 20:18
Amer. Telephone & Telegraph Co. - 21:6
American Bridge Co. - 18:14
American Legion - 19:4
Anair Bros. - 21:8
Anair, Albert - 21:9
Anair, Alfred F. - 21:8
Anair, Carrie P. (Dube) - 21:8
Anair, Carroll - 21:9
Anair, Eugene - 21:7
Anair, Evelyn - 21:9
Anair, Granite Co. - 21:9
Anair, Helen L. - 21:7
Anair, Helene - 21:7
Anair, Larry - 19:1; 21:9, 10
Anair, Miss - 19:16
Anair, Muriel - 21:8, 9, 10
Anair, Octave - 21:7
Anair, Philomina - 21: 7, 9
Anair, Piper - 21:9
Anair, Velma - 21:9
Anderson, Arthur S. - 21:44
Anderson, Happy - 20:30
Anderson, Leona - 17:38
Anderson, Miss Euna - 18:3
Andrews, Alfred (Zeke) - 21:24
Angell, George - 20:31
Appolt, Ed - 18:28; 20:31
Archer, Alva - 21:5
Armstrong, Dorothy (Miller) - 20:22,37
Armstrong, Karen - 20:37
Aspenhurst Farm - 20:35-37
Aspenhurst Point - 20:37
Aspenhurst - 17:6; 18: 13, 23, 32; 19: 14,15;
20:2, 36, 37; 21:27, 28
Atherton house - 17:18
Atherton Lora - 20:37
Atherton, Bernie - 18:33, 36; 19:41; 20:37
Atherton, Frederick - 21:36
Atkins, Avon - 20:33
Atkins, Leonard & Verna - 18:36
Atkins, Phyllis - 17:29
Atkinson House - 21:14
Aub, Joseph C. - 19:28
Averill, Gerry - 17:37; 18:18; 21:25
Averill, Wes - 17:35; 18:18
Avery, Salome - 17:20
Award of Merit to GHS - 21:3
The Avenue, Gr. - 20:2 (illus)
"The Birches" - 19:32
(Bickford), Beatrice Hickok - 17:20, 33; 20:11, 25, 26, 35
Babcock Hill - 17:29
Babcock, Everett - 20:32
Babcock, Hannah - 18:36; 19:41
Babcock, Mrs. - 20:32
Babcock, Stephen - 17:29
Bacon, Art - 19:4
Bailey, Celeste - 17:24, 25
Bailey, Guy - 17:14, 22
Bailey, Joanne - 20:37
Bailey, John Winthrop - 17:22
Bailey, Laura Cahill - 17:22
Bailey, Myrtie - 17:18
Bailey, Sprague - 17:25
Baker Hill - 18:8
Baker, Thelma - 17:26
Baldwin, Ann - 17:25
Baldwin, Barbara Hall - 20:34
Baldwin, Barbara - 19:40
Baldwin, Elizabeth - 19:40
Baldwin, L.W. - 20:11
Balfour, [L.G., Co.] - 20:32
Ballard, Polly- 18:25
Banse, Mrs. Paul - 18:2
Baptists - 20:28
Barcomb, Arleen M. - 21:44
Barn Again Awards - 20:38
Barn Days event - 21: 2
Barnet, Vt. - 19:10; 21: 4
Barns, historic - 21: 2, 21
Barr Hill - 19:32; 21: 19, 28, 42
Barr’s beach - 21: 34
Barr's Better Beverages - 20:31
Barr, Alfred H., Jr. - 19:28; 20:7
Barr, Alfred - 18:26; 19:26
Barr, Andy - 18:11; 19:26; 20:22
Barr, Edith - 18:9; 20:22
Barr, Maraga - 18:26
Barre, Vt. - 17:36, 37; 19:24; 20:3, 11; 21:30, 31, 33
Barrington, John - 21:5
Barrington, Mary H. - 21:44
Barrington family - 19:11
Bartel, Ann - 20:5
Bartlett, Paul - 19:28
Bartlett, Stacie A. - 21:44
Barton Savings Bank - 20:10
Barton, Joan - 21: 38
Barton, Vt. - 18:2; 21: 42
Bascom cottage (Poplars) - 21: 25
Bascom, Jack - 17:33; 18:16,36; 19:40
Bascom, June - 17:33
Bascom, Margaret - 17:33; 18:36
Bassett, T.S. Seymour - 17:22; 20:6
Batchelder, Frank - 20:12
Batchelder, Vera - 17:25
Batten, Anne - 20:5, 20
Batten, Carleton - 19:1
Batten, Kenneth - 20:37
Batten, Lewis O. - 20:27
Battles, Gertrude - 21: 12
Battles, Raleigh - 18:28
Bayley, Mary P. - 17:29
Bayley-Hazen Military Road - 17:18, 34; 20:11, 25, 26, 35
Bayne, Col. Hugh - 19:20
Bayne, Hughey - 19:20
Bean, Dana - 17:32 (pic)
Bean, Naoma - 17:32 (pic)
Bear, Barbara - 17:33
Bear, Col. Charles U. - 17:33; 18:33; 19:6, 40; 21: 25, 26
Bear, Frederick J.- 21: 26
Bear, Jim - 17:33
Bear, Mabel - 17:33; 21:25, 26
Bear, Mary - 17:32 (pic)
Beardsley, Mr. - 19:18
Belding, Jack - 21: 37
Belding, Patricia - 21: 37
Bell Telephone System - 21; 4, 6
Bell, Alexander Graham - 21: 4
Bell/Bill, Almira - 18:19
Bell/Bill, Ann - 18:19, 20, 21, 22
Bell/Bill, Gov. Charles J. - 18:32; 20:10
Bell/Bill, John W. - 18:19, 20, 21, 22;
Bell/Bill, Louise - 18:19
Bell/Bill, Marietta - 18:22
Bell/Bill, Susanna A. - 18:19
Belote, Penny - 20:38
Bemis 5 & 10 Cent Store - 21: 11
Bemis, Eva - 18:28, 29; 19:41; 20:31, 37
Bemis, Mrs. - 17:17
Bemis, Waldo - 18:28; 19:1; 20:31
Benjamin, Eileen - 20:31
Benney's - 20:34
Berd, Alice (Eisner) - 19:40; 20:35
Bergeron, Paul H. - 20:14
Bethany Meth. Episc. Ch - 21: 12
Bicentennial (Gr.) - 18:36
Bickford, Holden - 20:37
Bickford, Louetta H. - 17:20, 21, 22, 38; 18:14
Bickford, Louetta - 21:43
Bickford, Mr./Mrs.George - 18:30; 19:33
Billings, Patty & Ed - 18:23
Bingham, Edith - 20:31
Birchall, Derek - 17:23
Bishop, George - 18:8, 11, 34; 20:18
Bishop, Lib - 18:8, 11, 34
Black schoolhouse - 17:18
Black's Point - 17:29; 19:20, 31, 32;
20:2, 38; 21:28
Black, Johnny - 19:32
Blacksmith Shop - 21: 10
Blenderman, Margaret M. - 21:44
Bliss, Moses - 17:35 [correction=Constant
Bloch, Conrad - 19:28
Blockhouse Hill - 20:35
Blockhouse - 21: 16, 17
Blueberry Rocks - 17:2
Boardinghouse - 19:26
Boardman, Elias - 18:20, 21, 22
Boathouses - 21: 25, 30, 31
Bocask, Myrtle - 17:32 (pic)
Boston Herald - 18:1
Boston Post - 18:1
Boston Red Sox - 18:1
Bowman, Eleanor - 19:20
Box Shop - 21:8
Boy Scouts - 19:1, 4, 5
Bradford, Mr. - 19: 16
Brandon, David - 21: 13
Brandon, Mrs. Marion - 21:13
Brandon, Paul - 21: 13
Brattleboro (hospital) - 17:20
Brattleboro Retreat - 17:16
Brault & Sargent Granite Co. - 17:13
Breyer, [Justice] Stephen - 20: 38
Bridgeman Hill - 17:31; 18:17
Bridgeman, Aunt Minn - 18:17
Bridgeman, Capt. John - 18:17
Bridgeman, Dorman - 18:17
Bridgeman, George W. - 18:17
Bridgeman, Grandmother - 18:17, 18
Bridgeman, H.A.- 20:12
Bridgeport School of Nursing - 21: 42
Bridgewater, MA - 21: 42
Brigham, Ann & Rob - 19:25
Brigham, Waldo - 20:13
Brill, Leslie - 17:15, 16
Broad, Eleanor/Nono - 18:27; 19:34
Broad, Fred - 17:38; 20:27
Brochu barn - 17:18
Brochu, Dave- 17: 19; 18:24
Brochu, David - 19:7
Brochu, Eva - 17:19
Brochu, Georgette - 17:19
Brochu, Michael - 19:41
Broinla, Inc. - 21: 24
Bronson, William D. - 20:12
Brough, Peter - 17:24, 25
Brown, Clinton - 18:36
Brown, Francis - 21: 42
Brown, Inky - 18:9; 19:20
Brown, Katie (Eisenhart)- 19:20; 21:24, 25
Brown, Phil & Pat - 17:21
Brown, Rev. A.M. - 18:1, 2
Brown, Robert P. - 21: 25
Brown, Timmy - 18:9, 10
Browning, Robert & Elizabeth - 18:30
Brownlie, Clark - 19:23
Bryan, Frank & Julia - 19:15
Buckley, Bruce - 21: 20
Buckley, Elvis B. - 18:36
Buckley, Nancy - 21: 23
Buffalo Mountain Co-op - 19:16; 20:33
Buffalo, NY - 21: 19
Burlington Female Seminary - 17:12
Burlington Free Press - 18:1; 20:33
Burlington Point - 18:13; 20:35
Burlington - 18:2; 20:13
Burns, George - 17:38
Bush, Benjamin - 17:23
Bush, [Pres. G.H.W.] - 17:3
Cabin Fever Follies - 17:38; 18:36
Cabot School - 20:32
Cabot, Vt - 18:2, 36; 21: 14, 24
Cahill, Laura Bailey - 17:22
Calais, France - 20:18
Calderwood Family - 20:35
Calderwood Farm - 17:36
Calderwood, David - 19:23
Calderwood, Hiram - 17:18
Calderwood, Maude Nelson - 20:28
Calderwood, Randi, Louise - 20:38
Caledonian Record - 19:11
California - 17:14
Camel's Hump -19:26
Camp Teela Wooket - 21”14
Camp Wapanaki- 19:33, 34
Campbell Corner - 17:18; 20:2
Campbell Family - 17:19
Campbell, Ethel - 20:31
Campbell, Everett - 20:31
Camp, Gerald - 20:33, 34
Campoli, Gina - 21:16
Canadian Air Force - 20:18
Cannon Hill (Hdwk) - 19:1
Cardorsi Lunch Counter - 20:33
Carpenter, James - 17:30; 18:4
Carpenter, Judy - 18:16
Carrick, Carol - 17:30; 18:5
Carr, Ruth - 20:32
Carter Cottage - 20:35
Carter, Bill (C.W.) - 20:36
Carter, Charles F. - 20:35, 36
Carter, Chester - 18:16, 36
Carter, Rev. Eugene - 21:15
Carter, Fitzie - 18:4
Carter, Gil - 19:41
Carter, H. E. - 20:12, 13, 14
Carter, Priscilla - 17:7, 37; 20:5
Carter, Zoe - 18:4
Carver, Dr. Walter - 20:18
Case, Mike - 19:17
Caspian Lake - 17:1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 19, 26, 27, 35, 36, 37, 41; 18: 6, 7, 12, 13; 19:5, 6, 20, 30, 31, 32; 20:1, 3, 5, 7, 37, 38; 21:18, 26, 27, 29, 30, 34, 35
Caspian Lake House - 20:2; 21: 23
Caspian Area Pre-School - 21:24
Cass, Alice (McClean) - 21:42
Cass, Harold & Lena - 21:42
Catholic Cemetery - 21;9
Caulkins, Homer - 18:28
Cazenovia Seminary - 17:12
Cedarmist - 19:32
Centennial House - 20:13
Center Road (Hdwk) - 20:27,28; 21: 34
Chaffee, R. S. - 19:27
Chaffles, Bradley - 18:2
Chaffles, Mr/Mrs. Bruce - 18:2
Chaloux, Leonie - 17:38
Chapin, Merrill - 17:38
Chapman, Joseph - 20:36
Charland, Lorraine - 19:18
Chase Farmhouse - 18:25
Chase, Samuel - 17:30
Cheever, Ferall & Sally - 19:46
Cheever, Nathaniel - 18:14
Cheney, A. H. - 20:1
Cherokee Indians - 17:12,37
China Journal of A Porter - 19:34; 20:34
Chittenden, Gov. Thomas - 18:12
Choinard Family - 17:18
Choinard, Marjorie - 20:36
Church of Christ (Gr) - 17:12; 19:15
Circus Smirkus - 17:18; 18:36
Citadel, The - 20:18
Civil War - 18:13; 19:40; 20:5,7,10, 21: 19, 36
Civilian Defense - 19:1;20:18
Clapp, Henry - 20:15
Clapp, Sarah Jane - 20:17
Clark Field (Phillipines) - 20:20
Clark, Mary - 19:31
Clark, Muriel - 21:15
Clark, Nettie - 19:31
Clark, Ruth E. - 21:44
Cleghorn, Sarah N. - 18:2
Cobb School - 17:31,32; 19:41
Cobb Store & Barbershop - 17:32
Cobb, Carl - 17:32
Cobb, John - 17:31,32
Cobb, Mr. - 21:15
Cobb, Mrs. - 19:19
Cobden, Lechaid - 19:29
Coddaire, Dr. David - 21: 24
Coffin, Howard - 20:7
Cohen, Dan - 17:30; 18:4, 5, 16; 21: 37
Colbert, Doug - 18:5
Cole. Howard - 20:18
Coleman, Howard - 21:40
Collier, Bridget - 17:30; 18:4; 19:41; 20:38; 21: 23
Collier, Cleora - 21:7
Collier, Leona - 20:38
Community Citizens Award - 18:36
Conant, James - 18:19
Conant, W. W. - 20:12
Confederate Army - 21:36
Congo Hill (Hdwk) - 21:11, 15
Congregational Ch - 20:1
Congregationalists - 20:28
Connecticut River - 21:39, 40, 41
Cook's Hill - 19:26
Cook, Bess Allen - 19:28
Cook, Charlie - 17:29
Cook, George - 19:28
Cook, Jacqueline H. - 21:44
Cook, John B. - 20:28
Cook, Mrs. Albert - 20:22
Cook, Mrs. George - 19:28
Cook, Mr./ Mrs. John D. - 20:12
Cook, Prof. - 17:28
Coolidge, Fred - 18:31; 19:41
Coolidge, Peg - 19:20
Coolidge, Sprague - 19:20, 27; 20:22
Cooper, Marian - 20:8
Copley - Bequest - 19:18
Corbett, Bill - 17:30; 18:4; 20:8
Corry, Charles - 21:29, 30
Corwin, Gertrude - 17:27,28,29; 19:25
Corwin, Leonard - 17:28
Corwin, Margaret - 17:27,28,29; 19:25
Corwin, Wallace - 17:29; 19:25
Country Club Rd. - 21:17
Couture, Leonie - 17:38
Coventry (England) - 20:18
Cow Pasture Country Club - 18:11; 20:5
Cox Drug Store - 19:16; 20:17, 31-33, 21: 12
Cox, Albert - 20:32, 5, 10, 18, 31, 34, 36, 37; 20: 1, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 30, 32, 34, 38; 21: 6, 14, 18, 19, 39, 42, 43, 44
Crafts. Academy - 17:15; 18:13, 35; 19:22, 38; 20:5, 9, 20, 30; 21: 38
Crafts. Chmbr Players - 20:22, 38
Crafts. Elem School - 18:35
Crafts. Hist Soc - 17:35
Crafts. Public Library - 21: 38
Crafts family - 21:38
Crafts, Eunice - 17:36, 37
Crafts, Samuel C. - 17:36, 37
Crandell, Janet - 18:36
Crawford, Anthony C. - 17:14
Creamery - 17:37; 20:36
Croft, Beatrice (Betty) - 21:28
Croft, Charlotte S. - 21:27
Croft, Clarence (Bert) - 21:27, 28, 29
Croft, Clarence (C.B.) - 21:27, 29
Croft, Eric - 21:29
Croft, Jonathan - 21:28
Croft, Nellie L. - 21:28
Croft, Richard J. - 21:28
Crosby, Helen - 18:6
Cross Crackers - 21:6
Culver Hill - 21:17
Cummings, Edward Norris - 19:35
Cummings, Emma J.(Dexter) - 19:35
cummings, e. e. - 19:35, 37
Cunningham, Marian - 18:4
Current, Lechaid N. - 18:13
Curti, Merle - 21:6
Cushing,Betsey - 21:16
Cushing, Joel, Jr. - 21:16, 17
Cuthbertson Bros. - 20:1; 21:5
Cuthbertson Family - 19:11
Cuthbertson's Store - 20:36
Cuthbertson, Bruce H. - 19:23
Cuthbertson, Margaret W. - 19:8
Cutler, Joshua - 21:23
(Dodge), Jennie Rowell - 17:26
Dales, Ruth - 17:36; 18:6; 21:24, 25
Daley family - 21:5
Dane, Harlie - 17:32
Dane, Leon - 17:32
Dane, Leslie - 17:32
Daniels, Arline - 21:37
Daniels, Robert V. - 17:22
Danville, Vt. - 19:38; 20:12, 14, 24
Darling (pic) - 17:32
Darling Cottage - 20:35
Darling Inn - 20:31
Darling, S. E. - 19:16
Darling, Sumner - 19:34
Dartmouth College - 20:18; 21:5
Davis Family - 19:32
Davis Lake - 18:12
Davis, Allen F. - 17:1, 6, 11, 17, 22, 30; 18:4; 19:1, 5; 20:1, 5, 7, 18; 21:3, 4, 24, 37, 42
Davis, B. O. (Store) - 20:10; 21:6
Davis, Bliss - 20:12
Davis, C. F. - 18:28
Davis, Gainor B. - 21:3
Davis, George - 19:11; 21:8, 10
Davis, Marjorie - 19:18; 21:14
Davis, Mr. - 21:15
Davis, Robert & Barbara - 21:24
Davis, Warner & Dot - 20:38
Dawkins, Dr. George - 19:6
Dawley, Russ - 17:2,4
Dawson, Dorothy - 20:37
Day, Clive - 17:27; 18:11; 19:20
Day, Elsie - 17:28
Day, George P. - 17:27
Day, George(Carter Camp) - 17:27
Day, Lucien - 18:3; 19:32
Day, Mrs. Clive - 17:28, 29
Day, Wilhelmena - 17;28
Day-Prospect Hill School - 17:28
Dean, Gov. Howard - 20:20
DeBrune, Elma - 20:18
deLaguna, Frederica - 19:26
Delano, Joseph R. - 20:12
Demar, Mrs - 20:33
Demars, Miss - 19:16
Demars, Rose - 18:36
Demas, John - 19:13
Demers, Phillippe - 21:44
Deming family - 21:5
Densmore, Sal - 21:13
Depot Building - 19:41
Derby Academy - 17:12
Derby Line (frmrly Salem), Vt. - 21:7
deShepper, Harry - 21:4
Desrochers, Dorothy T. - 18:19
Detroit Edison Co. - 19:40
Detroit Iris Society - 21:26
Dew Drop Inn - 20:33
Dewhurst Family - 18:32; 19:11
Dexter, Deming S. - 19:36
Dexter, Emma J. - 19:35
Dickenson, Emily - 19:19
Dixon, Rev. John A. - 20:10
Dixon, Rev. John - 21:42
Dog River Crier - 17:30
Domey, Harrison - 18:3
Doughisty, - - 20:13
Dow Farm - 19:34
Dow residence - 21:5
Dow, Cindy - 19:39
Dow, Elizabeth - 18:14,15
Dow, Frank B. - 21:4
Dow, James - 20:6
Dow, Lucinda - 21:4
Dow, Mary - 20:6
Dow, Samuel - 20:6
Draper, Herb - 20:24
Draper, Mr - 19:26, 28
Draper, Reginald - 20:24
Drechsler, Cathy - 17:25; 19:5
Drechsler, Dawn - 20:38
Drenan Bros. - 20:13
Drenan, John S. - 20:11, 13
Drenan, Ryland F. - 20:11, 12, 13, 14
Drenan, Warner S. - 20:11
Drennan, Bessie - 17:24, 25
Drennan, Frances - 17:24
Dreschlet, Dawn - 21:37
Droseillier, Mary - 18:36
Drown Apartments - 18:18; 19:34; 20:36
Drown land - 20:21
Drown residence - 21:5, 24
Drown's Restaurant - 20:31, 33
Drown, Arthur - 20:31
Drown, Donald - 17:35; 19:7
Drown, Dot - 20:31
Drown, Laura - 21:24
Drury, Dwight - 17:29
Drury, Richard - 17:29
Dube, Carrie P. - 21:8
Dufer Family - 20:21
Dufur, Raymond - 20:37
Dunbar, Guy - 19:19
Duncan, Isadora - 20:17
Dunham, Jim - 19:27
Dunkel Family - 19:15
Dustan, Augusta - 20:17
Dustan, Dr. William - 19:21
Dustan, Laura - 20:17
Dustan, Mary - 18:1,1; 19:40
Dutton, Walter - 19:31
Dyer, Woody - 20:29
Eagle Hotel - 19:32; 20:33; 21:12
Earle, Blanche - 17:31; 18:36; 19:41; 20:20, 27, 28, 37
Earle, Sidney - 17:31
East Albany, Vt. - 21:42
East Crafts. - 17:34; 19:38; 20:30; 21:6, 37
East Crafts. Ch - 17:15, 18, 19, 34, 38
East Gr. - 17:14
East Hdwk - 17:5, 10, 19; 18:1; 19:13,16; 20:18; 21:1, 31
East Hdwk Cong Ch - 19:13
East Hdwk Creamery - 17:10
East Hdwk Grange - 17:10,38
East Hdwk Library - 17:10
East Hill Players - 18:34; 21:37
East Lake Rd. - 21:33
Eastman Family - 17:10
Eastman, Bernard - 20:18
Eastman, Evelyn - 18:36
East Montpelier, Vt. - 21:17
Easton, Charles - 19:20; 20:15
Easton, Daniel - 19:20
Easton, Della - 19:20
Easton, Frank - 19:21, 20:15, 29, 34
Easton, Frank, Jr. - 19:20; 20:15
Easton, Penelope - 19:21; 20:15; 21:42, 43
Easton, Roger - 19:20; 20:15
Eden, Town of - 18:2
Edgewood Lane - 17:36
Edsall, David - 19:27, 28, 29
Edsall, David L. - 19:27, 28
Edsall, John T. - 19:26 - 30; 20:5, 8, 37
Edsall, Laurence - 19:28
Edsall, Margaret (Dunham) - 19:27, 28
Edsall, Nicholas - 19:26, 29
Edsall, Pendleton K. - 19:27
Edsall, Louisa (Richardson) - 19:27
Edson, John - 20:7
Eisenhart Family - 19:26
Eisenhart, Churchill - 19:41
Eisenhart, Dean Luther - 18:11
Eisenhart, Katy - 18:9; 19:20
Eisner, Jeanne - 20:23
Eisner, Jeanne & Bill - 20:35
Eisner, Kathleen & James - 20:35
Eligo Pond - 17:1; 21:14, 18
Eliot, Mary - 19:15
Elliot's Restaurant - 18:28; 20: 33
Enair/Anair, Octave - 21:7
Enterprise - 20:18
Essex Junction - 17:14, 22; 18:2
Etulain, Richard - 19:13
Eveningside - 18:23, 24
Evers, Jim - 21:29
Fairbanks Museum - 21:24
Fairbanks, Horace - 20:12
Fairbanks, Thaddeus - 20:12
Fairman Mansion - 19:33
Farmer, Fannie - 18:4
Farrar, Bliss Store - 20:15, 29
Farrar, Geraldine Tucker - 20:17
Farrar, Mrs. R.L. - 18:3
Farrar, William - 20:17
Fay, John - 20:12
Field, Douglas - 18:36
Field, Mary E. - 17:11, 12
Field, Mrs. Mabel(Peg) - 18:2
Findlay, John - 19:23
Finley, Alice - 17:25
Firehouse (Old) Hdwk - 21:12
Fisher, George - 18:29
Fisher, Martha - 21:17
Fisher, Sally - 17:22, 24, 29, 31; 18: 14, 19, 24, 27; 19:33, 34, 40; 20:5, 9, 18; 21:16, 25, 37, 42
Fisk, Rev. - 19:11
Fitch, Will - 20:37
Fitus, Isaud, P. - 20:13
Fixx, Paul - 18:33
Flat Rocks - 21:30
Fletcher, E.R. Granite Co - 17:13
Fogarty, James E. - 18:14
Fontaine, Gerard - 21:24
Foote, Mary Hallock - 19:13
Ford Dealership - 21:30
Forest Hills Factory Outlet - 18:2
Fournier, Dennis E. - 21:44
Fourth of July - 21: 34
Fourth Vt. Regiment - 20:7, 10
Fowler, George - 18: 4, 10; 19: 27
Fradette, Mario - 18:1
Fradette, Robert - 21:24
Freeman family - 17:3
Freeman, Buck - 20:18
Freeman, Mansfield - 17: 38; 18: 36
French Hill - 21:9
French Immigrants - 17:31
French Impressionists - 20:7
French, R. L. - 20:12
Fuller, Thomas - 18:14
Future Farmers of America - 19:17
Gabogan, (horse) - 17:24
Gajetta, Bruno - 20:32, 33, 34
Gajetta, Eleanor - 20:32
Gajetta, Mary(Janiki) - 20:33
Gallagher, Thomas M. - 20:9
Garbo, Greta - 17:19, 26, 27; 20:5
Gauss, Catherine - 18:36
Gauss, Christian - 18:11
Gauss, Dean - 18:10, 11
Gayer, Dorothy - 17:24
Gayer, Ken - 17:24, 25
Gebbie family - 19:15
Gebbie Road - 20:32
Gebbie Sugar Party - 21:24
Gebbie, Alpha & Nellie - 19:15
Gebbie, Eliz.(Patterson) - 19:23
Gebbie, George - 19:23
Gebbie, Howard - 20:18
Gebbie, John - 19:23
Gebbie, Madeline - 17:38;18:33
Gebbie, Sandy & Peter - 20:38
Gebbie, Sarah(Anderson) - 19:23
Gensburg, Robert - 21:24
George, Mrs. F. - 18:30
Georgia, Vt. - 21:19
Gifford, Arlene - 20:37
Gilbertson, Elsa - 17:31
Gile, Graydon - 20:38
Gile, Hazel - 18:36; 20:38; 21:10
Gile, Mrs. - 19:17
Gill, Mike - 20:32
Gilpin, Bob - 17:30;18:4
Gilpin, Wallace H. - 18:2
Gimmestad, Dennis A. - 18:15
Girl Scouts - 19:4;21:37
Gleason, Esther - 17:7
Gleason, Frederick - 17:7
Gleason, Grandma - 17:7
(Gleason), Priscilla Carter - 17:7
Glendenning, Mrs. - 17:28
Glosten House - 19:11
Glosten, Helen - 19:41
Glover, Vt. - 17:22; 20:29, 35; 21:9, 19
Goering, Chuck - 18:16
Gomes, Herbert - 20:24, 25, 26
Gomes, Ona - 20:24, 25, 26
Gonyaw family - 17:18
Goodenough, Jennie - 18:29
Goodrich, C. - 19:7
Goodrich, Elmer - 20:28
Goodrich, Frederick A. - 19:7
Goodrich, Genevieve - 21:10
Goodrich, Harriet - 18:36
Goodrich, Josephine - 21:10
Goodrich, Ralph - 20:28
Goodrich. Lizzie - 20:28
Goodspeed, Mrs. Betty - 18:2
Goodwin, Alice - 17:32
Goodwin, Cheslie - 17:32
Goodwin, Marietta - 17:32
Gorlewski, Eugene - 21:24
Goss, John - 18:8
GRACE Art Program - 18:35,36
Graffagnino, J. Kevin - 18:12
Graham, Horace - 17:34; 20:28
Graham, John - 19:23
Graham, Mabel (Tatro) - 18:35
Graham, Martha - 20:17
Grange - 19:41
Grange Hall - 17:17;18:18
Granite industry - 17:22, 31, 36; 19:12, 13; 20:11, 13; 21:8, 10
Grant, Ouida (Bunny) - 20:17
Grant, Ulysses S. - 20:12
Gray family - 17:3; 18:9; 20:21
Gray, Ethne - 20:22
Gray, Gene & Roland - 19:41
Gray, Peg - 20:21,23
Gray, Phil Sr. - 18:34; 20:5
Gray, Phil & Peg - 18:8
Gray, Sherry - 17:30; 18:4,5,33; 19:40
Great Barn Hunt - 21:2
Great Hosmer Pond - 21:19
Great Lakes - 21:39
Greeley, Horace - 20:12
Green Mtn Coffee - 20:31
Green Mtn Video - 20:17
Green Mtns - 20:7
Green Mtn Postcard Club - 20:1
Green River Lake - 18:
Gr Ass’n - 17:36; 19:26; 21:24
Gr Authors - 19:29,37; 21:37
Gr Awards - 17:38; 18:36; 19:34, 41; 20:38
Gr Bend - 17:19, 38; 19:38; 20:1,3, 18, 20, 23, 24, 38; 21:5 - 10, 18, 23, 24, 26, 42
Gr Bend Cemetery - 21:9
Gr Bend Hotel - 20:2; 21:23
Gr Bend School - 21:9
Gr Bend Stone Shed - 21:10
Gr Bicentennial - 21:20
Gr Bicentennial Comm. - 17:22; 20:5
Gr Brook - 21:18
Gr Elem. School - 18:35
Gr Four Corners - 17:6
Gr Free Library - 17:35, 37; 18:4, 16, 18, 36; 19:11, 29, 30, 37; 20:38; 21:20, 37
Gr. & Glover Telephone Co. - 20:4
Gr Green - 21:24
Gr High School - 19:41
Gr Historical Soc - 17:11; 18:3,12, 32, 33; 19:30, 34, 40; 20:28; 21:1, 2, 18, 20 - 22, 23
Gr Hospital - 18:13;19:26;21:37
Gr Land Trust - 18:36
Gr Memorial Garden - 21:44
Gr Mills, Vt. - 17:6
Gr Nursing Home - 17:17, 37, 38; 18:35; 19:31,40; 20:22, 24; 21:24
Gr Pond - 20:38
Gr Village - 21:23
Greenwold, Rev. Granville - 21:14
Grenfell Mission (Labr) - 20:20
Griffin, Thomas - 20:7
Griggs, Eleanor - 20:17
Griggs, Reginald - 20:17
Grist Mill - 20:2
Grizzle, Ellen - 18:35;19:40
Gross, Terry - 18:5
Groton State Forest - 21:24
Guest, Edgar A. - 21:13
Gulick family - 20:22
Gulick, Helen - 20:21
Gulick, Luther - 17:38; 18:36; 19:30,41; 20:21
Gulick, Michael - 21:24
Gunther, Jane - 21:24
Gunther, John - 17:27
Guthrie, Mary - 19:10
Guth, Dorothy - 17:38
Haines, Mrs. - 17:17
Hale Cottage - 21:25
Hale House - 19:6
Hale, Ashbel - 20:24; 21:17
Hale, Bess - 19:41; 20:37; 21:26
Hale, Col.’s barn - 20:27
Halls, John House - 21:13
Hallwas, John E. - 19:35
Hall, Alan, Jr. - 17:3,4
Hall, Ann (Bill) - 18:19, 20, 22
Hall, Charlie - 18:21
Hall, Edward Twitchell - 18:15
Hall, Elmira - 18:20, 21, 22
Hall, Frederick F. - 18:19, 20, 21, 22
Hall, Hazel Rochester - 19:19; 20:33
Hall, Izora - 18:20, 22
Hall, Johnnie - 19:18
Hall, Mr./Mrs. Chester L. - 18:2
Hall, Pat - 18:32
Hall, Susannah - 18:19, 22
Hamilton, Clark - 19:17
Hamilton, Ellen E. - 18:13
Hamlet, Mr. - 20:32
Hancock, Gladys - 18:36
Hancock, John - 19:1;20:28
Hancock, Mary - 20:33
Hancock, Mr./Mrs. John B. - 18:2
Hanford, John - 19:17
Hanford, Nellie E. - 18:25
Hanford, Oren E. - 18:25
Hanson, Jeanette - 20:17
Hanzl, Bea - 17:38; 18:36; 19:41; 20:37
Hanzl, Jean - 20:38
Hanzl, Zeke - 19:40; 20:5, 38
Harbison family - 20:22
Hdwk, Vt - 17:14, 19, 26; 18:1, 6, 14; 19:1, 13, 33; 20:1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 20, 22, 31, 32, 33, 34; 21:5, 8, 10, 13, 24, 26, 27, 30, 34, 37, 42, 44
Hdwk Academy - 17:12, 21; 18:1, 2; 19:1, 3, 5, 15 - 19, 31; 20:5, 10, 33; 21:12, 13, 14
Hdwk Center Road - 17:31
Hdwck Cottage Hospital - 19:21
Hdwk Elem. School - 19:3; 20:38
Hdwk Fire House - 20:5, 38
Hdwk Gazette - 17: 5, 6, 10, 16, 37; 18:1, 3, 4, 30, 36; 19:40; 20:26, 35, 36, 37; 21:26, 42, 44
Hdwk Granite Co. - 17:31; 19:33; 21:10
Hdwk Health Ctr - 21:24
Hdwk High School - 21:10
Hdwk Historical Soc. - 17:20, 38; 18:36; 19:5
Hdwk Hospital - 19:5
Hdwk Hotel - 19:5;
Hdwk Inn - 20:31, 32, 33, 34
Hdwk Lake - 17:26; 21:18
Hdwk Memorial Bldg - 21:26
Hdwk Opera House - 19:15; 20:12
Hdwk Rescue Squad - 17:38
Hdwk Street - 17:17 - 19; 18:24; 19:15, 33; 20:11, 12; 21:18, 42, 43
Hdwk Town House - 17:38; 19:16; 20:20, 38
Hdwk Trust Co. - 18:1; 19:5; 20:32
Hdwk Village Rest. - 18:30
Hardy, Alison - 17:38; 18:25
Hari, Mata - 20:8
Harold (Mer Lu's) - 20:34
Harper, Alex - 20:30
Harriman family - 19:40; 21:6
Harris Family - 21:5
Harris, Elaine - 19:37
Harris, George - 20:8
Hartson, L.W. - 20:26, 36
Harvey, George - 20:36
Harvey, Mrs. - 20:1
Harvey, R.S. - 19:27
Harwick(Mt. Tabor, Vt) - 20:7
Haslam, Patricia - 17:11,13, 22; 18:4, 14, 19, 27; 19:34, 40; 20:5; 21:16
Haslam, Peter - 21:24
Hassett, William - 17:30
Hatch, Ethel - 17:38
Hatch, Lee - 20:37
Hathaway, Mrs. L.D. - 21:12
Hathaway, S.D. - 20:12
Hatheway, Lenora - 21:27
Haverhill, NH - 20:36
Hawaii - 20:18
Hawthorn, Emily - 17:24
Hayes, Rev. E.C. - 20:28
Haynes Farm (pic) - 17:21
Haynes, George Avery - 17:20
Haynes, Grandma - 17:21
Haynes, Lewis - 21:42, 43
Haynes, Lewis A. - 17:21
Haynes, Louetta Bickford - 17:20, 21
Haynes, Salome - 17:20
Haynes, Dr. Trustrum C. - 17:20, 21
Haynesville Brook - 17:20
Haynesville Health Spa - 17:20
Haynesville Road - 17:21
Haynesville Sanatorium - 17:20, 21
Haynesville Springs - 17:20; 21:43
Hay, John - 19:34
Hazel, Queen of Buffalo Mtn - 18:29
Hazen Road - 17:22, 34, 35
Hazen Road Dispatch - 17:11, 14, 22; 18:1,4, 6, 12; 19:12, 13, 26, 30, 37, 40; 20:5, 7, 14, 22, 34, 38; 21:1, 2, 25, 29, 37, 42, 43
Hazen Road Schoolhouse - 17:29, 34; 18:16 - 19
Hazen Union H.S. - 19:17, 41; 20:32; 21:13
Hazen's Notch - 19:26
Health Center - 18:18
Heater, Gabriel - 19:4
Heath, Ronald - 21:24
Hebrew Orphans Shelter - 20:20
Hebrew Sheltering Society - 20:23
Heidger, Bessie - 20:20
Heidger, Dr. Luther - 20:18 - 20; 21:42
Heidger, John - 20:20
Heidger, Paul - 20:20
Heidger, Ruth - 20:20
Heinecken, Rev. Martin - 17:18; 18:36; 19:41; 20:37
Henderson, George W. - 18:13; 20:5; 21:38
Henderson, Lawrence - 19:29
Henry Fam. Theater Troup - 21:38
Henry, Charles - 17:38; 21:38
Henson, Muriel - 20:38; 21:37
Herbert, Rev. Victor - 18:23
Herbert, Virginia - 19:26; 20:5
Hessel, Mary Ellen - 17:36
Hibbard, John - 18:36
Hibbard, Ruth - 17:38; 18:36; 19:15, 41; 20:37
Hibbard, Sarah - 19:15
Hickey, Roseann - 20:38
Hickok family - 18:23
Hickok, Bea (Bickford) - 17:20, 33
Hickok, Burt - 20:18
Highland Lodge - 17:29, 38; 19:34; 20:23, 34, 38; 21:28, 33
Hilker, Peggy - 20:5
Hill Hotel - 21:6
Hillcrest Nursery - 21:21
Hill's IGA Store - 20:33
Hill, Alma - 19:41; 20:37
Hill, Arthur - 19:41
Hill, Fred - 17:19; 18:24
Hill, George - 21:42
Hill, H.H. - 21:7
Hill Hotel - 21:6
Hill, Jeanette R. - 17:18,19; 18:42; 20:19, 20, 24
Hill, Lester - 20:37
Hill, Lucille - 20:37
Hill, Marilyn - 18:36
Hill, Maurice - 19:41
Hill, Nancy & Lewis - 17:2,3,15, 22, 29, 30, 37; 18:4, 36; 19:41; 20:5, 8, 35; 21:23
Hill, NH - 21:7
Hill, O.K. - 20:13
Hill, William - 19:2
Hill, W.W. - 20:13
Hirt, Mr. - 19:37
Hislop, Russell - 21:20, 21
Hist. of Gr.: The First 200 Years - 21:2, 16, 36
History of Orleans Cty - 20:5
Hitchcock, Alfred - 17:15, 24
Hobbs, Dr. Ruth - 21:24
Hocking, Agnes - 17:27, 28
Hocking, Hester - 17:27
Hocking, Prof. - 18:10
Hocking, Wm Ernest - 17:27, 28
Hodgdon, Dr. Bill - 21:35
Hodgdon, Edward - 20:37
Hodge family - 18:23
Hodge, Lida M. - 18:13
Hoffman, Anne - 17:25
Hoffman, Tess - 17:25
Hogaboom, Harry - 17:32(pic)
Holbrook, Stewart - 21:19
Holcomb Funeral Home - 19:19; 21:15
Holcomb, Fran - 21:12
Holden Scales Co. - 19:33
Holocaust - 19:5
Holyoke, Tracy J. - 21:44
Homesteaders - 17:3
Hooker, Frieda - 17:37
Hooker, Mr. - 17:37
Hooper, Bob - 20:32, 34
Hooper, Mrs. - 19:18
Hooper, Mrs. Gladys - 21:12
Hoover, Herbert - 17:6
Hope, Bob - 17:17
Hopkinson, Mrs. A.B. - 19:34
Hotel Barre - 20:31
Houston, Janet - 21:13
Houston, Sybil - 21:13
Hovey, Abba - 18:14
Hovey, Earl - 18:14
Hovey, Elwyn - 18:14
Hovey, Fred - 18:14
Hovey, Frederick - 18:14
Hovey, Frederick, Sr. - 18:14
Hovey, F. - 18:14
Hovey, Hanna C. M. - 18:14
Hovey, Harriet(Ellis) - 18:14
Hovey, Jabez W. - 18:14
Hovey, Mary - 18:14
Hovey, Otis E. - 18:13,14
Howard, Jack - 19:37
Howard, Lola - 21:24
Howard, Mrs. George - 19:34
Howes, Alan - 17:5, 30; 18:4, 23; 19:39; 20:5, 8, 17
Hoxie, Agnes & Irwin - 21:11
Hoxie, Mrs. - 19:18
Hoyt, Leota - 21:12
Hubold, F.A. - 17:23
Huckleberry Rocks - 21:28
Hume, Ellen - 17:30
Humphrey, Jerusha - 19:36
Hunsberger, Ruth - 17:30; 19:20, 26
Hunsberger, Warren - 17:30; 19:20; 20:8
Huntington Public Library - 21:38
Huntington, Dr. Samuel - 19:40
Hunt, Audrey - 20:1
Hunt, Lyman - 20:18
Hunziker, Bruce - 21:24
Hurlburt, Rev. Roderick - 21:13
Hurricane of 1938 - 20:2
Hurst, Ernest - 21:24
Hurst, Phyllis - 17:23; 19:10
Hussey, George - 21:9
Hussey, Lorraine - 20:38
Ice Cream Social - 20:28; 21:22
Ideal Cafe - 20:33, 34
Idle Hour Theater - 17:26; 18:1, 3; 19:4; 21:12
Igleheart family - 17:3
Igleheart, Kimball - 18:16,36
Igleheart, Peggy - 18:16, 36; 21:24
Igleheart, William - 21:24
Ilsey Library - 21:38
Ilsey, Silas - 21:38
In a Pig's Eye - 20:34
Indian Joe - 17:19
Indian Rock - 21:34, 35
Indians - 21:39
Ingalls residence - 21:5,7
Ingalls, Sam - 19:40
Ingalls, Will - 17:37; 18:32
Inn on the Common - 18:10; 20:30
Irasburg, Vt - 18:2; v21:42
Irish family (NY) - 20:34
Irish, Loomis - 21:24
Irwin, John - 18:24
Irwin, Peter & Harriet - 18:24
Isham, Mary (Mercier) - 20:32, 33
Jackson Bridge School - 18:29
Jackson Place - 20:27
Jackson, Andy - 18:8
Jackson, Kay - 18:8, 11
Jackson, Lila A. - 20:27
Jackson, Peg - 18:8
Jaffin, Jonathan - 18:4
James, Edith (Bingham) - 20:31
James, Floyd - 20:31
Janiki, Jerry - 20:33
Janiki, Mary (Gajetta) - 20:33
Jardine, Andrew - 19:23
Jay Peak - 19:26
Jeffrey, John M. - 20:9; 21:44
Jeffrey, Mary Anne - 17:22; 18:33; 20:9; 21:23
Jeffrey, William H. - 20:9
Jenkins, Mrs. Lucy - 21:11
Jenkins, Mr. - 19:15
Jenney, Mr. - 17:10
Jenne, Robert - 20:37
Jennison, Peter S. - 18:12
Jerry’s Diner - 20:33
Jeudevine - 18:19
Jeudevine Library - 19:4; 20:38; 21:37
Jeudevine, Mrs. A.F. - 21:12
Jewett Chapel - 17:10; 20:28
Jewett, Lydia Delano - 17:10
Johnson, Donald - 20:17
Johnson, J. Leo - 20:31
Johnson, Pres. Andrew - 17:30; 20:12, 13, 38
Johnson, Vt - 20:4
Johnson, Will - 19:18
Johnston, Dr. Elbridge E. - 21:24
Jones, Evan - 17:30; 18:4; 21:44
Jones, Judith - 17:30; 18:4
Jones, Robert - 19:5
Junior Home Guards - 19:2
Kane, Louise - 17:10; 19:34
Karp, Erica - 21:24
Kasper, Jacob D. - 21:34
Kaufman, Polly Watts - 17:11, 12
Keith, Cary H. - 18:24, 27
Kellogg, Dr. Roger - 21:24
Kelly, William - 17:36
Kendrick, John - 20:20
Kendrick, Mary - 17:18
Kentucky (Capitol) - 17:14; 19:12
Kent, Mrs. - 18:30
Kesselman, Esther - 17:37; 20:5, 21-23
Kesselman, Louis - 20:21-23
Ketchem Hill (Crafts.) - 20:30
Keyes, Cameron - 17:30; 18:4
Keyes, Lanny - 17:30
Kibbee, Dorothy - 21:13
Kidder, George - 20:37
Kidder, Joseph A. - 20:12
Kimball, Flora E. - 17:13
Kimball, Harlan - 20:1
Kimball, H.R. - 19:16
King family - 19:20
King, Claude I. - 18:25, 27
King, Nathalia - 17:30
King, Nicola T. - 21:44
Kingsley, Doris - 21:14
Kinney family - 21:5
Kinney, Dr. Fred - 17:19
Kinney, Mr. - 17:36
Kiwanis Club - 18:30
Kneeland, Miss - 19:16
Knight, Peg - 17:25
Kolb-Fisher, Kathleen - 17:30, 35; 18:4
Kunin, Gov. Madeline - 18:35
Labor Day - 21:34
Ladd, Eldred - 18:1
Ladd, Keith - 20:32, 33; 21:14
Ladd, Mrs. Gerald - 18:1,2
Ladd, Mr. & Mrs. - 20:32
Ladd, Parker - 20:31, 32
Ladd, Sam - 17:23, 29, 37; 18:25
Laird, Edith - 20:25
Laird, Evelyn (Shatney) - 20:35
Laird, J. Ernest - 19:28;20:24
Laird, Wilford L. - 19:28; 20:25; 21:44
Lake Champlain - 21:39
Lake Willoughby - 19:16
Lake Winnipesaukee, NH - 21:14
Lake Wobegon - 18:1
Lakeview House - 20:2
Lakeview Inn - 17:17;18:8
Lakwview Union School - 19:41
Lambert, Leanne M. - 21:44
Lamoille Railroad - 20:13
Lamoille River - 17:13; 19:5, 11, 15; 21:7,41
Lamoille-Orleans Cty - 20:36
LaMonda House - 17:18
LaMonda, Martha - 17:18
Lamorey, Earleen - 20:33
Lamorey, Velma - 20:33
Landon, Isabel - 18:11; 20:22
Landon, Lisa - 18:34
Landon, Margot - 19:7; 20:34
Landon, Richard - 17:30
Landon, Whitney - 17:38; 18:8, 9, 11, 16, 26, 34, 36; 19:26, 28, 41; 20:5, 34, 37
Lane, Clyde - 19:31
Lane, Donald - 19:31,32;20:34
Lane, Florence - 21:12
Lane, Mary Beth - 19:32
Lane, Mrs. - 21:15
Lane, William T. - 19:31
Lang, Charlotte - 20:23
Lang, Esther (Kesselman) - 20:21, 23
Lang, Joseph - 20:23
Lanphear, Ona - 20:38
Lanphear, Robert - 20:38
LaPierre, Arlton - 18:18; 20:37
LaPierre, Marjorie - 17:18
Largo, Florida - 18:1
Larrabee, Margaret - 21:13
Larrabee, Martin - 21:27
Lauder, (Sir) Harry - 17:17
LaVertue, Joe - 18:28
Lawless, Ann - 17:38; 20:8
Leach Co. - 19:33
League Local Hist. Soc. - 21:3
LeBlanc House - 17:29
LeCours, Roger - 20:20
LeCours, Violette - 18:36
Lee, Gen. Robert E. - 19:36
Lee, Sawyer - 20:32
Leighton, Hugh C. Co. - 20:1
Lemay, Alphege - 18:36
Lemay, Anne Marie - 18:35, 36
Lemire, Philomena - 21:7
LePine farm - 17:31
Leukel, Fritz - 21:24
Levy, Shelly - 17:38
Lewandowski, Jan - 18:3; 21:16
Lewing family - 21:41
Lewing, Albert - 21:41
Lewing, Louisa - 21:41
Lewin, Nellie - 21:28
Libby House - 21:13
Library Award - 20:38
Lincoln, Pres. Abraham - 18:35, 36; 20:12
Lindquist farm - 17:36
Ling, Alton - 21:24
Ling, Dorothy - 18:18, 27, 36; 19:12, 34, 41
Ling, Nicole - 19:41; 20:38
Little Eligo Pond - 21:18
Little Hosmer Pond - 21:19
Little, Edmund C. - 18:14
Little, Laura - 18:14
Little, Mrs. - 21:10
Lloyd, Albert - 20:31
Local Lumps(Hdwk Gazette) - 19:40; 20:5
Logan, David - 19:23
Lonegren family - 20:22
Lonegren, Sig, Jr. - 17:24, 30; 18:18; 20:21
Lonegren, Sig, Sr. - 18:16,36
Lonegren, Virginia P. - 19:41; 20:21; 21:44
Long Pond - 17:1-4;19:10,14
Long Trail - 19:26
Long Trail Lodge - 19:6
Long, Janet (Lyles) - 18:33
Lord's Supper (Sculpture) - 21:26
Lord, Rev. William R. - 18:23
Lotspeich home - 19:28
Lotspeich, Sylvia - 19:26; 20:25
Lovell, Col. - 21:40
Lovell, Lucilla - 21:40
Lower Waterford, Vt - 20:24
Lowry, Thomas - 18:14
Low, David - 17:38
Lukens, Alan F. - 17:29; 18:23; 20:35
Lukens, Elsie - 18:23
Lukens, Jaywood - 18:23
Lukens, Rev. V.H. - 19:15
Lukens, Susan - 20:35
Lumsden, Lee - 18:36
Luther, Ardys - 20:38
Luther, Bradley - 20:38
Lyford, Joanna - 21:12
Lyles Apartments - 21:24
Lyles Newsletter - 19:37; 21:23, 24
Lyles, Everett - 17:37; 18:33; 19:7; 21:24
Lyles, Helen - 18:33; 19:7, 41; 21:23, 26, 27
(Lyles), Janet Long - 18:33
Lyman, Barbara - 20:37
Lyman, Mabry - 18:16; 19:34
Lyman, Ted - 17:38
Lyman, Will - 18:18
Lyndon Ctr. - 21:6,19
Lyndon State College - 21:6
Lyndonville, Vt - 21:4
Lyndon, Vt - 19:36; 21:7
Lytle, Ridgely III - 18:36
(Marshall), Sarah Wilson - 19:10
MacInroe, Fannie Clapp - 20:17
Mack, H.R. - 20:13
Mack, Henry - 17:36; 20:11
Mackin, John - 18:3; 21:24
Mackville Pond - 20:11
Mackville, Hdwk - 17:22, 26; 19:16
MacLaine, Shirley - 17:16
Magoon, Anson - 20:29, 30
Magoon, Vesta - 17:38; 18:36; 19:41; 20:37
Maier, Bill - 17:4
Manchester, Vt. - 21:15
Maple St. Cem., Hdwk - 19:40
Maple Valley Grange - 21:38
Maplerama - 21:24
Marckres, Earl - 17:38
Margalis, Elaine - 20:17
Marine Corps - 20:30
Markres, Ola - 20:37
Marquis, Alice Goldfarb - 20:7
Marshall Fund - 21:13
Marshall, Della - 21:13
Marshall, Mathew - 19:23
Marshall, William W. - 18:27
Mason, Adaline Cheever - 17:14
Mason, Elkanah P. - 17:14
Mason, Lida A. - 18:13
Mason, Silas C. - 17:14
Masters, Edgar Lee - 19:35-37
Masters, Esther Coyne - 19:36
Masters, Harden W. - 19:36
Mattill, Anne - 20:36
Maxham, Earl - 21:33
McAdam, Jessie - 19:41
McClean, Alice C. - 21:42
McCue, Mary - 17:18
McCullough, Robert - 21:16
McDonald, - 20:13
McFarland family -21:5
McFarland, Cleo Dow - 19:34
McFeeters General Store - 20:38
McFeeters, Bob - 20:38
McGrath, Mary - 17:29; 18:16
McHugo, Pat - 17:33; 21:25
McIntire, Julia - 17:30
McIntyre barn - 21:2, 7
McIven, - 20:13
McKenna, Mrs. - 18:28
McLoud block - 17:5
McQuillen, Eleanor - 17:31
McQuillen, James - 17:31
Mead, Margaret - 20:5
Meighans, Frank - 21:24
Meinhold, Lena - 21:24
Memorial Bldg, Hdwk - 19:4
Memorial Day - 19:4, 18; 21:34
Mer-Lu’s - 20:31, 33, 34
Mercier, Alice - 17:38
Mercier, Arthur - 20:33
Mercier, Donald - 19:41
Mercier, Earl - 20:37
Mercier, Emile - 21:9
Mercier, Henry - 18:36
Mercier, M/M Wilfred - 20:20
Mercier, Mary (Isham) - 20:32,33
Mercier, Raymond - 17:33, 37; 19:27; 20:20; 21:25
Mercier, Robert - 21:9
Mercier, Wilfred - 20:35
Mermin, Rob - 17:18; 18:36; 20:38
Merrill, Mary - 17:38
Merrill, Nathaniel - 21:24
Messier, Alexander - 18:36
Messier, Sybil - 21:13
Methodist Ch. - 19:34; 20:10
Methodist Ch., Stannard - 17:38
Metraux, Dan - 17:22; 18:4, 16; 19:38; 20:5, 8, 9; 21:39, 43
Metraux, David - 17:30, 34-35, 37
Metraux, Judy - 17:34
Metraux, Rhoda - 18:15,16
Metropolitan Opera - 21:24
Meyer, Hugo - 17:24, 25
Meyer, Liza - 17:24, 25
Meyer, Rose Mary Traynor -18:19; 19:40; 21:42
Meyer, Taylor - 20:11, 13
Meyers, M/M Hugo - 21:24
Michaud, Bertram - 21:44
Michigan, Detroit - 17:15, 17
Middlebury College - 20:6
Middlesex, Vt. - 21:17
Mill Village (Crafts) - 20:30
Miller’s Thumb - 17:29; 18:18; 19:25; 20:2; 21:18, 22
Miller, Anna - 21:25
Miller, Cyrus C. - 20:22
Miller, Dorothy (Armstrong) - 20:22
Miller, Edward - 21:24
Miller, Gertrude - 18:9
Miller, Henry - 21:25
Miller, John - 20 :22
Miller, Kenna - 17:25
Milnes, Gingah Sage - 21:24
Minor, Dr. John - 19:26
Minott, Addison D. - 21:16-18
Minott, Benjamin - 21:16
Minott, Chauncey H. - 21:17
Minott, Hosea - 21:16, 17
Minott, Howard - 21:16, 17
Minott, Matilda - 21:17
Minott, Ruth - 21:16
Mitchell, Joyce Slayton - 17:8, 26; 18:4; 19:16; 20:5, 31; 21:11
Mitchell, Lucy S. -18:11; 19:20
Mitchell, Sprague - 18:11
Mitchell, Wesley - 19:27, 30
Modern Woodmen of America - 21:38
Moffatt, Walden - 20:18
Montpelier, Vt - 18:2
Monroe, President - 17:37
Monroe/Munroe, Mr. -19:24, 25
Montpelier Jct., Vt - 19:6
Montpelier Tavern - 20:31
Montpelier, Vt. - 21:17
Monument Hill (Block House Hill) - 17:35
Moodie, Mrs. Royal - 19:34
Moore, Thomas - 20:37
Morgan, Esther - 20:32
Morgan, J.P. - 21:6
Morgan, Miss - 19:16
Morrett, Capt. John J. - 20:20
Morrison, Arthur - 20:24
Morrison, Dorothy (Pease) - 20:24,26, 24; 19:12, 35; 20:5, 6, 8, 14; 21:18:36
Morrisville, Vt. - 19:4; 20:1, 4; 20:4; 21:10, 24
Morrow, Rev. George - 17:17
Morse house - 21:13
Morse, Esther - 20:32; 21:13
Morse, Judge Melvin - 20:32
Morse, M.G. - 20:32
Morse, Robert P. - 21:44
Mosher, Mr. - 19:18, 19
Mosher, Mrs. - 19:17
Moyer, Jonathan T. - 21:44
Mt. View Country Club (pic) - 17:29, 35; 18:7-9, 24; 19:28
Murphy - 20:13
Murphy, Rhoda Jaffin - 17:30; 18:4
Murray, Mr/Mrs. - 18:10
(Nelson), Blanch Earle - 17:32 (pic);
(Norton), Alison Stuart - 17:13; 19:20, 23, 35-37; 20:27
N.Y. Herald Tribune - 18:1
Nat’l Bldg Granite Quarries Assoc. - 17:13
Nat’l Carousel Assoc. - 20:9
Nat’l Historic Register - 19:41
Nature Conservancy - 17:1, 3, 4
Naval Training Station (U.S.) - 19:6
Nelson farm/house - 17:31; 20:27; 21:13
Nelson, A.W. - 20:12
Nelson, Admiral - 19:15
Nelson, Florence(Parker) - 18:28
Nelson, Maude Calderwood - 20:27
Nelson, Rowena (pic) - 17:32
New England Camp - 21:14
Newark, Vt. - 19:36
Newburn, John - 17:30
Newbury Seminary - 19:36
Newbury, Vt. - 21:14
Newhouse, Arthur III - 21:24
Newport, Vt. - 18:2; 21:4, 8, 19
Nichols & Stone - 19:33
Nichols Ledge - 19:28
Nichols, Carrie - 19:33
Nichols, Muriel - 18:17
No. Greensboro - 17:15, 18; 19:8, 10; 20:34
Noble, Maria Thorpe - 19:13
Norcross, A.W. - 19:16
Norrie, William H. - 21:44
Norris, Billie - 20:22
Norris, Mark - 20:20, 28
North Carolina Granite Corp. - 17:13
North Shore Rd. - 21:24, 29, 30
North Star, Danville - 19:12, 40; 20:24, 26
Northampton, Mass. - 17:20
Northeast Kingdom - 17:3, 15; 18:1; 21:39
Norton, Paul - 18:10, 11; 21:3
Norway family - 17:18
Norwich Univ. - 19:37
Notterman, Nancy - 20:38
Noyes Cemetery - 20:7
NY Times - 18:1
O’Malley, Kathleen - 19:18; 21:11
O’Reilly, John B. - 17:27
Office Center - 19:33
Ohlrogge, Krissie - 17:30; 18:4
Old Firehouse, Hdwk - 19:40
Oliver, Mary - 20:38
Olmstead farm - 21:27
Olmstead, Delia - 21:42
Olmstead, Harry - 21:42
Olmsted family - 18:32
Olmsted, Dick - 19:14
Orlandi, Kay - 17:25
Orleans Cty Grand List - 21:17
Orleans Cty Hist.Soc. - 17:34
Orleans Cty Monitor - 19:22
Orleans, Vt. - 21:4
Orner, Fred - 18:36
Osterhout, Don - 19:41
Osuna, Louisa - 20:33
Osuna, Mercedes - 20:33
Paddleford Point - 20:36, 37
Paddleford, Caroline - 20:36
Paddleford, Edward C. - 18:25, 27
Paddleford, John M.C. - 20:36
Paddock Hill - 21:19
Paddock home - 19:21
Paddock, Augusta Crofts - 20:17
Paine, Karleen - 17:38
Paine, P.S. - 21:7
Paquette, O.J. - 20:1
Parker camp - 20:38
Parker family - 19:11; 20:5
Parker, Florence (Nelson) - 18:28
Parker, Jeffrey - 19:32
Parker, Mary Beth (Lane) - 19:32
Parker, Mary H. - 17:19
Parker, Walter - 19:32
Parkhurst, S.W. - 20:13
Parrott, Miss - 19:16
Passumpsic Telephone Co. - 21:4, 6
Patch, Edna - 20:37
Patrick, Pauline G. - 21:44
Peacham, Vt. - 21:4
Peale, Cora - 20:24
Peale, Herbert - 20:24
Pearl Harbor - 21:42
Pease, Dorothy - 20:24
Peck, Avah - 21:13
Peck, Pennell - 18:6, 31
Peck, Russell - 18:6
Peck, Sarah - 21:13
Peloquin, John - 20:26
Peloquin, Leo - 20:26
Peloquin, Lorette - 20:26
Peloquin, Robert - 20:24, 25, 26
People’s Academy - 19:18
Perham, David - 21:2, 42
Perham, Helen - 18:36
Perrin, Alden - 20:22
Perrin Bros. - 21:5
Perrin, Dorothy (Willey) - 18:24
Perrin, J. Newton - 18:24; 19:41
Perrin, Lila - 20:22
Perron barns - 21:28
Perron, Laurette - 18:33
Perron, Ted - 18:33
Perry, Automobile Co. - 21:30, 31, 33
Perry, Arthur - 18:8-11
Perry, Bliss - 18:8, 9; 19:26; 21:6
Perry, Catherine - 21:29
Perry, Dad - 21:32, 33
Perry, Dan - 21:29
Perry, David - 18:9, 11
Perry, Delly - 21:30, 31,33
Perry, Court - 21:34
Perry, Emilie - 18:8-11, 36, 19:20; 19:41; 20:5, 22, 37
Perry family - 21:32
Perry, Grampa - 21:30-35
Perry, Hilda - 18:26
Perry, Jane - 18:26
Perry, Lee - 21:30
Perry, Mammy - 21:30-35
Perry, Aunt Marge - 21:21:34, 35
Perry, Phil - 18:11
Perry, Quincy - 21:30.33
Perry, Reginald (Mrs.) -17:19, 27; 18:26
Perry, Ruby Hopkins - 17:31
Perry, Teedles - 18:36; 19:41; 20:37
Perry, Theodora - 17:38; 20:37
Pest House, Hdwk - 17:26
Peters, Donald - 17:30
Peters, Squire - 21:41
Peterson, Bob - 18:18
Philbrook, Flora - 20:22
Philbrook, Paul - 17:3,4
Philbrook, Sarah Cobb - 17:2
Philips, Ann - 19:7
Phillips Academy, Danville - 17:11
Piatte, John (pic) - 17:32
Pinckney, Mr. - 19:24, 25
Pinney, Jabez - 20:36
Piper, Edith - 18:36
Piper, Mary - 20:28
Plainfield, N.H. - 17:20
Pleasant St., E. Hdwk (pic) - 19:42
Pleasants, Blanche - 20:21, 22
Pleasants, Fred & Virginia - 19:26
Pleasants, Fred R. - 18:8; 20:21,22
Pleasants, Mrs. - 19:32
Pleasants, Virginia (Lonegren) - 20:21
Poor Farm, Hdwk - 17:26
Pope auction - 20:1
Pope, Hazel - 21:10
Pope, J.H. store - 21:8, 23
Pope Hardware Store - 21:6
Pope, Reuben - 20:36
Poplars, The - 17:33; 21:25-27
Porter, Amos (China Journal) - 18:27; 20:34
Porter, Chloe - 20:34
Porter, George S. - 21:5
Post Office, Gr. - 20:23
Potter home - 19:15
Potter, Bronwyn B. - 19:6; 20:5, 38; 21:15
Potter, Herb - 19:6,7
Presbyterian Ch - 20:2, 28
Princeton, N.J. - 19:25
Pritchett, Liz - 17:24
Prohibition - 20:5; 21:30
Purdy, Frederick A. - 17:33; 21:25-27
Putnam State Forest - 21:24
Putnam, Maria - 17:12
Queen, The __ - 17:26
Quinby family - 19:11, 31
Quinby, May V. - 17:14
(Rehnquist), Nancy Spears - 20:6
(Richardson), Jeanette Hill - 17:18
(Richardson), Louisa Edsall -19:27
R.O.M.E.O.’s - 17:38; 20:38
Racette’s shop - 20:38
Railroad (Gr.) - 21:23
Railroads - 20:13
Rainey, Froelich - 18:36
Ralston, Alexander - 20:36
“Ramblewood” - 17:29
Randall, E.O. - 19:11
Randolph Camps - 17:36; 20:34
Ranz, Jennifer - 21:17
Ranz, Lucile - 21:24
Raver, Dean - 21:24
Rawson, Chuck - 20:29
Recovery Books - 20:9
Red Path Chautauqua - 17:17
Red Sox - 21:35
Reed, Olive - 20:37
Rehnquist, Chief Justice (Wm H.) - 17:30; 18:9,10; 20:6, 38
Rehnquist, Nan - 17:38
Rehnquist, Natalie - 20:6
Renaissance Cafe - 20:34
Rennie, John - 20:36
Revolutionary War - 21:40
Revolutionary War vets - 20:36
Reynolds, Burt - 17:26
Richardson, Ann Patterson - 17:19
Richardson, Ebenezer - 17:18
Richardson, Eleanor - 17:18
Richardson, H.S. - 21:37
Richardson, Henry - 20:37
Richardson, John - 17:18, 19; 18:24, 20:24
Richardson, Mary - 20:24
Ringling Bros. - 20:38
Ritchie Lumber Mill - 21:6
Rivers, Wendell - 20:37
Riverside Ch, N.Y.C. - 21:15
Robb, Bill - 19:18; 20:32
Robb, Clare - 19:18; 21:11
Robb, Mrs. - 19:16
Robertson, Mr. - 19:9
Rochell’s Restaurant - 20:32
Rochester, Hazel (Hall) - 17:24; 19:19; 20:33
Rochester, Lucinda - 17:24
Rochette, Gerald P. - 21:44
Rockefeller family - 21:6
Rockhaven (pic) - 18:25, 27
Rocking Rock - 21:2
Rockwell, Norman - 19:5
Rodriguez, Louis - 20:34
Rogers, Helen - 17:18
Rogers, Robert - 20:7
Roosevelt, Eleanor - 17:16; 21:14
Roosevelt, F.D. (Pres.) - 17:30; 18:1, 24; 19:1; 20:21
Rose, Rev. Philip M. - 18:23
Ross, Adam - 20:30
Ross, T. Edward - 20:30
Rowell, Bub (Harland) - 17:25, 38
Rowell, Carroll - 21:11
Rowell, Jennie (Dodge) - 17:26; 21:15
Rowell, Morris - 19:18
Rowell, Orie - 20:32
Rowland, Anna - 21:41
Runaway Pond - 21:9, 19
Runaway Pond Rd. - 19:14
Rural Free Delivery Act - 20:1
Russ & Sons - 21:20
Russell, Herbert K. - 19:36
Russell, William - 19:24
“Rusticana” (boat) - 21:33
Rutland, Vt. - 21:4, 6
Rutledge, Delia O. - 21:42
Rutledge family - 17:2, 3
Rutledge, Jennie (Wilson) - 19:10
Rutledge, John - 19:10
Rutledge, Mrs. Bernard - 21:10
Ryegate, Vt. - 19:24
(Spaulding), Roberta Alexander - 20:17
(Sprague), Lucy Mitchell - 19:20
Safford, Charles - 20:20
Salem, Vt. (Derby Line) - 21:7, 8
Salmon’s Store - 20:2
Sanborn Cemetery - 17:13; 18:14, 24
Sanborn Rd. - 17:13; 18:24
Sanborn, Caroline H. - 19:40
Sanborn, Coryson - 17:13
Sanborn, Donald - 18:24; 19:40; 20:34
Sanborn, Dr. John - 19:40
Sanborn, John - 17:13
Sanborn, L.M. (Lucy?) - 17:12, 13
Sanborn, Lamoile Walbridge -17:12, 13
Sanborn, Leonard - 19:40
Sanborn, Marian - 17:13
Sanborn, William - 17:12, 13
Sanborn,Jubal - 19:40
Sangree, Gail - 20:5
Sangree, Jean - 18:8
Sangree, Suzanne - 18:5
Sanville, Lucille & Stuart - 20:38
Sargent, Garibaldi - 19:33
Sargent, John D. - 17:13
Save Our Sculptures (SOS) - 17:38
Savoie, Marion L. - 21:44
Sawyer, David - 17:24
Sawyer, I.A. Store - 21:23
Sawyer, Susan - 17:24
Schleifer/Wilson Barn - 17:35; 20:27
Schoolhouse (Gr. village) - 20:27
Schultz, Sara E. - 20:38
Schultze, Herbert G. - 17:34
Scoon, John - 19:20; 20:37
Scotland - 19:8,10, 23
Scots-American Co. of Farmers - 19:24
Scott, Ernest V. - 20:35, 36
Scottish immigrants - 18:4; 19:10, 23-25
Scottish immigration - 19:23
Searchlight Club - 18:2; 21:38
Sears, Roebuck & Co. - 20:1
Sebert, Burdean - 20:37
Seventh Day Adventists - 20:29
Sharpless, Frederick - 17:23; 20:22
Shatney house - 17:18
Shatney, Ethel - 20:24
Shatney, Evelyn (Laird) - 20:35
Shatney, Leslie - 20:35
Shatney, M/M Carroll - 21:24
Shattuck, Alberta - 20:37
Shattuck, Freddie - 20:33
Shattuck, Lawrence - 20:33
Shattuck, M/M Lewis H. - 18:2
Shattuck, Marion - 21:12
Shavito, David - 17:14
Shepard, Aaron - 21:17
Shepard, Oscar - 19:2
Sherman, Alson S. - 17:14
Shipman family - 17:36
Shurtleff, R.J. - 21:8
Shute, Al - 17:37
Silver teas - 21:38
Silver, Edith - 19:41
Silver, Isabelle - 20:27
Simmons family - 20:35
Simmons, Adelaide - 18:2
Simmons, Clyde - 18:2; 20:29
Simpson General Store - 20:5
Simpson Hall - 19:22
Simpson Library - 18:32
Simpson Mem. Library - 20:17; 21:37
Simpson, George W. -19:38, 39
Simpson, James - 19:23, 38
Simpson, John - 19:23
Simpson, John W. - 19:38
Simpson, Mary Jean - 17:15, 19; 18:13; 19:30, 38; 20:5, 30
Simpson, Miss Jean - 17:34; 18:34; 19:38, 39; 20:17; 21:37
Simpson Store - 21:6, 37
Simpson, W.K. - 18:2
Skillen family - 21:29
Skillen, Beatrice - 21:28
Skillman, Willis - 17:6
Skunk Hollow - 19:10
Skunk Hollow Brook -17:4
Slack, Ann - 20:5
Slack, Ann Memorial Garden - 21:21
Slack, Leo - 20:37
Slade, William - 17:11
Slaughter house (Hdwk) - 17:26
(Slayton), Joyce Mitchell - 20:30, 31; 21:11, 42
Slayton family - 21:5
Slayton, Janet - 21:13
Slayton, Jay - 19:19
Slayton, Joyce - 21:11, 42
Slayton, Miss - 19:17
Slayton, Sally - 21:11
Slayton, Tom - 18:36
Sleeper, Moses - 17:35
Smith, Audrey - 18:9, 10
Smith, Baldwin family - 19:20
Smith, Betty - 17:2, 38
Smith, David, Jr. - 17:30; 19:37; 21:24
Smith, David, Sr. - 20:23
Smith, Denison - 18:4
Smith, Francesca - 19:1
Smith, Frederick - 20:27
Smith, George - 19:26, 27
Smith, Ida - 19:27
Smith, Jack - 17:38; 18:36; 19:41; 20:37
Smith, Jean Baldwin - 20:23
Smith, John C. - 21:11, 12, 13
Smith, June - 18:11
Smith, Kate - 17:17
Smith, Lacey B. - 17:30; 18:4; 20:8
Smith, Mrs. - 21:13
Smith, O.J. (pic) - 17:22
Smith, Sam - 19:25
Smith, Thomas - 19:27
Smith, Thomas F. - 19:27
Smith, Tom - 17:30; 18:4; 19:23
Smith, Wilhelmina - 18:3, 36; 21:23
Snyder family - 18:32
Snyder, Frances - 18:23, 24; 19:14
Snyder, Franklin - 19:15
Snyder, Franklyn - 17:29; 18:24
Snyder, Henrietta - 19:15
Snyder, Marcia - 18:23, 24; 19:14
Snyder, Rev.Peter M. - 18:23; 19:11, 14
So, Hdwk Academy - 19:16
So. Hdwk Hotel - 20:11-14
So. WoodburyCong’l Ch - 17:24
Solzhenitsynk, Alexander - 19:37
Soper, Alexander - 18:24, 26
Soper, Patty Billings - 18:23
Soper, Sue - 18:26
Spahr, Mrs. - 18:8, 11
Spanish-Amer. War - 17:33, 37; 21:26
Spaulding, Gerald - 20:17, 37
Spaulding, Gladys - 20:17
Speare, Alden - 19:41
Spears, Nancy (Rehnquist) - 20:6
Spears, Timothy B. - 20:6
Spencer, Leonard - 21:37
Spier, Sheila - 19:18
Sprague, Katherine - 17:27; 18:10
Sprague, Oliver - 18:10
Spring, Miriam - 18:3
Springstead, Evelyn (DeBrune) -17:38; 18:4; 19:41; 20:37
Strong, Matthew L.- 20:17
St. Albans, Vt. - 20:10; 21:42
St. J & L.C. RR - 19:34, 38; 21:7, 24
St. Johnsbury, Vt - 19:1; 20:4, 12, 13, 22; 21:4, 6, 9, 16, 24
St. Johnsbury Academy - 19:32
St. Johnsbury House - 20:31
St. Michael’s Ch - 17:38; 20:5
Stafford, Wendell - 18:8
Stafford, Wendell P. - 17:17
Stage curtain - 21:38
Stanley family - 21:23
Stannard Brook - 21:19
Stannard Mtn - 21:19
Stannard Pond - 21:19
Stannard school - 17:18
Stannard, Gen. George J., Jr. - 20:10
Stannard, George J. - 21:19
Stannard, Vt. - 20:10; 21:16, 19, 43
Starbuck’s coffee - 20:31
Stegner, Lynn - 17:30; 18:5
Stegner, Mary - 20:21
Stegner, Page - 17:3, 30; 18:5;
Stegner, Wallace - 17:3, 4, 38; 18:5, 16, 36; 19:13, 14; 20:5, 8, 21, 22, 23; 21:2, 24
Steimle, Douglas B. - 20:18, 37
Steimle, Gay - 20:18
Sterling College - 19:22
Stevens, Augusta - 17:12
Stevens, Buster - 19:18
Stevens, Dorothy - 18:9,10
Stevens, Thaddeus - 20:14
Stevens, Ursula - 17:12
Stewart, Ralph - 18:36
Stockdale family - 17:36
Stockdale, Dr. Allen - 17:17; 19:6, 7
Stone House, Gr - 21:16, 17, 18,
Stone House, Brownington - 20:38
Stone shed - 21:7-10
Stone, Burt - 17:21; 19:33-34;
Stone, Burt C. - 21:44
Stone, Burt, Jr. - 19:34
Stone, Burt, Sr. - 19:33, 41
Stone, Harriet - 20:32
Stone, Leon - 17:37
Stone, Mary - 18:11; 19:41; 20:21, 37
Stone, Mildred - 20:32
Stone, Rev. James - 17:18; 20:36
Stone, Sidney - 18:11; 20:21
Storey, Rodney - 19:18
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - 17:20
Stowe, Vt. - 21:4, 14
Stowe-Morrisville stage - 20:4
Stratton, Agnes Traynor - 18:19
Stratton, Arthur - 18:27
Strawberry Hill Farm - 21:24
Streiby, Maurice - 19:7
Strong, Elnathan - 19:27
Strong, Hazel - 18:36; 20:17
Strong, Horace - 18:1; 20:17
Strong, Mrs. Horace - 18:2
Strong, Nancy - 18:2
Strong, Nathan - 18:2; 20:17
Strong, Theron - 20:16
Stuart, Alison Norton - 19:20
Stuart, Anne - 17:30; 18:4
Stuart, Anne K. - 21:24
Stuart, Dougal - 20:37
(Stuart), Emily Perry - 19:20
Suhr, Bill & Helen - 20:35
Sulham, Mr. - 21:9
Sullivan house - 21:12
Sullivan, June - 21:24
Summey, Richard - 18:36
Sunday night concerts - 21:35
Sunday School barn - 18:24; 21:2
Sunday School Conv. - 21:17
Sunday School Conv. in New Eng. - 20:27
Sunday School Monument - 17:35
Sunday Schools of Gr., Hdwk, Crafts. - 20:27, 28
“Sunken Cabin” - 21:34, 35
Sunset Cottage - 20:38
Sunsieri, Don - 18:35,36
Swanton, Vt. - 21:24
Swift, Esther M. - 20:7; 21:19
“The Trouble With Harry” - 17:15
(Tatro), Mabel Graham - 18:35
(Tatro), Mary Wilson - 18:35
Taft, Frederick - 21:40
Talbot, Betsey - 21:16
Talbot, Ruth - 21:16
Tamarac Ranch - 17:4
Tammany Hall - 21:37
Tate Brook - 18:25
Tate, Albian - 18:36
Tate, Jennie - 17:23
Tate, William A. - 18:25
Tatro, Curtis - 18:35
Taylor, Frank - 19:31
Taylor, Fred - 19:31
Taylor, Katrina V.H. - 19:25
Taylor, Mildred - 19:32
Taylor, Nellie (Clark) - 19:31
Taylor, Phyllis - 18:36
Taylor, William H. - 19:31, 34
Terrill Foundation - 21:13
Terrill property - 21:10
Theatrical groups - 20:12
Think house - 19:20
Thomas, Lowell - 19:4
Thomas, Prof. & Mrs. -18:30
Thompson, Anita - 17:25
Thompson, Bill - 20:31
Thompson, Lillian - 18:36
Thompson, Marion A. - 21:44
Thompson, Will - 17:19
Thompson, Zadock - 17:20
Thurneyssen, Ellie - 18:16
Tolman Bldg - 20:18; 21:20, 22
Tolman grove - 20:27
Tolman, Alpha - 19:26
Tolman, Alpha E - 18:3
Tolman, Harold & Lorraine - 19:14
Tolman, Henry S. - 19:11; 20:36,37; 21:8
Tolman, Judge Henry - 17:35
Tolman, Mrs. Alpha - 17:10
Tolman, Thomas - 19:24, 25
Tolman, Thomas, Jr. - 20:35-37
Tolman,Simpson & Co.Steam Mill - 21:8
Torrey, Charles C. - 19:13
Torrey, Joseph, Jr. - 19:13
Town Hall, Gr. - 20:27
Town House, Hdwk - 19:31
Townsend, - 18:9
Trapp family - 20:28
Travers, Francis - 18:36
Traynor, Carlyle - 17:38
Trilling, Diana - 20:7
Trilling, Lionel - 20:7
Truman, Harry S.(Pres.) - 17:30; 19:1
Trusdale, Paul - 21:24
Tucker, Geraldine (Farrar) - 20:17
Turrell family - 21:5
Tuthill, Robert - 21:24
Twilight, Alexander - 20:38
Twombly, Gray - 17:38
Tynan, K. - 18:23
U.S. Bicentennial - 17:22
U.S. House of Repr. - 20:10
U.S. Supreme Court - 20:6
U.S.O. - 19:6
Uhlenbush, Ed - 19:41
Ulman, Elinor - 17:38
Union Army - 21:36
United Airlines - 20:23
United Ch - 20:28
United Ch of Christ - 17:38; 18:36
United Ch of Hdwk - 17:8, 9; 21:11, 13, 14, 15, 22
Univ.of Vt. - 18:12, 13; 19:5, 38, 39; 20:6, 20, 30, 36
Urie, Donald - 20:38
Urie, Esther - 19:22, 41
Urie, Janet - 20:38
Urie, John - 19:23
Urie, Lois - 20:27
Urie, Marion - 18:36
Urie, Sherry - 21:37
Utica Club - 20:32
Vt. Agriculture, Miss - 20:38
Vail, Theodore - 21:6
Van Hook, Edith - 18:25
Van Hook, Elise (Ferber) - 18:25
Van Hook, Katrina (Taylor) -18:25
Van Hook, LaRue - 18:25
Vance, Burrell - 19:27
Vanderbilt family - 21:6
Veterans Foreign Wars - 21:26
Victory gardens - 19:1
Village Cemetery - 21:26
Village Restaurant - 20:33, 34
Visher, Paul - 19:7
Vogan, David - 20:22
Vogan, Ruthie - 20:22
Vogel, Lester I. - 19:13
Votey family - 18:23; 19:11; 21:5
Votey, Constance - 17:6; 18:12, 23; 20:8
Votey, Josiah - 20:36
Vt. 4-H Ambassador - 21:24
Vt. Ayrshire Distinguished Service Award - 21:24
Vt. Brigade, 4th Regt. - 20:7, 10
Vt. College - 19:36
Vt. College of Medicine - 21:24
Vt. Div. for Historic Preservation - 17:31; 21:16, 35
Vt. Hist. Soc. - 17:16; 18:4; 19:12; 20:6; 21:3, 23
Vt. Jersey Cattle Breeders Assoc. - 19:7
Vt. Life Mag. - 19:12; 20:9
Vt. Museum/Gallery Alliance - 21:23
Vt. Place Names:Footprints of History - 20:7; 21:19
Vt. State boathouse - 21:31
Vt. State Gen. Assembly - 20:9, 10
Vt. State Insane Asylum - 17:26
Vt. Sugarmakers’ Assoc. - 21:24
Vt. Transportation Authority - 21:24
Vt. Nat’l Guard - 17:5
(Wilson), Jennie Rutledge - 19:10
Wagner, Leon - 19:1
Wakefield, Kansas - 17:14
Wakefield, Reuben - 18:20
Wakefield, Wendell - 20:37
Walden, Vt. - 17:19
Walker, Roger - 17:38
Walstrom, Johnny - 17:7
Waltham, Mass. - 20:4
Wapanaki (Camp) - 19:34
Ward, Dr. Amasa - 20:28
Ward, Frederick W. - 20:35
Ware, Mrs. E.E. - 19:34
Warner, Col. Alpha - 20:11
Warren, Miss - 19:16
Washburn, Col. Asabel - 20:28
Washington, Booker T. - 19:14
Watearbury State Hosp. - 21:26
Waterbury, Vt. - 17:26; 20:4
Waterman Bldg. - 18:3
Waterman, L.F. - 20:36; 21:23
Watson land -18:25
Watson upper camp - 19:20
Watson, Peter D. - 17:16, 29
Watson, Peter D. Real Est. - 21:24
Watts, Lambert - 18:19
Way, Abel T. - 20:12
Way, Truman - 20:12, 13, 14
Webster Lumber Co. - 21:6
Weeks, Mayme - 18:29
Welcome, Charles - 17:38
Wells, Frederick L. -19:12
Wells, Linda - 21:38
Wentworth, Gov. Benning - 20:7
Wertendyke, Eleanor - 17:19
West Glover, Vt. - 21:4, 42
Wheeler, - 17:26
Wheeler, Lorelei - 18:16
White Mtn Express - 20:4
White, Bea - 18:18
White, Bertha - 19:39
White, Leon - 17:6
White, Nellie - 17:37
White, Robert - 21:11
Whitehead, Alfred N. - 18:10
Whitelaw, James - 19:24, 25
Whitman, Cedric - 19:27
Whitney, Prof J. - 20:13
Wick, The (school paper) -19:17
Wiesen, Norma - 19:41
Wilkinson, Catherine P. - 21:29
Willey house - 20:34
Willey residence - 21:5
Willey’s Store - 17:4, 6; 18:11, 18, 26, 33; 19:11; 20:2 (pic), 3, 22, 28, 36; 21:5, 18, 22, 24, 35, 37
Willey’s, B.M.’s Store - 19:11
Willey, Burt - 17:6; 19:11; 20:1
Willey, Carlyle V. - 17:34
Willey, Clifton H. - 21:44
Willey, Dorothy (Perrin) - 18:24
Willey, Evelyn A. - 20:27
Willey, George - 20:4; 21:23
Willey, Henry - 17:36
Willey, Mr/Mrs. R.A. - 19:11
Willey, Phyllis - 19:6, 11
Willey, Robert - 17:4; 19:11, 26
Williams, Arthur W. - 20:36, 37
Williams, Doris - 18:16; 19:40, 41; 20:37
Williams, Dr. - 18:16
Williams, Eliza - 20:36
Williams, Hollis - 20:33
Williams, Miss M.L. - 19:34
Williamstown, Vt. - 21:19
Wills, Gov. William - 19:12
Wills, Hazel McLeon - 19:12
Wilson Barn - 17:35
Wilson family - 19:15
Wilson, Anne H. -19:8
Wilson, Annie - 20:5
Wilson, Bryce - 18:35
Wilson, Earle - 18:35; 19:18; 20:29
Wilson, Harriette - 18:18, 33; 19:11
Wilson, Harrison - 17:18
Wilson, James - 19:8, 9, 10
Wilson, Lucie - 19:15
Wilson, Mae (pic) - 17:32
Wilson, Margaret - 21:24
Wilson, Margaret (Cuthbertson) - 19:8, 10
Wilson, Mary (Tatro) - 18:35, 36
Wilson, Robert - 18:18; 19:15; 20:37; 21:44
Wilson, Sarah (Marshall) - 19:10
Wilson, Thomas - 19:8, 10
Wilson, William - 19:8,9
Winooski, Vt. - 18:2
Winthrop House - 20:37
Wismer cottage - 19:32
Withers, Bernard - 20:35
Withers, Evelyn (Laird) - 20:35
Woodbury, Vt. - 20:32
Wolcott, Vt. - 18:1
Wolters, Tracy - 20:38
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union - 19:34
Woodbury Bicentennial Comm. - 17:24
Woodbury Granite Co. - 17:13; 19:1, 13, 33; 20:32
Woodbury Inn - 17:24, 25
Woodbury Mtn - 17:26
Woodcock, Mr. - 19:17
Woodruff, Frank E. - 18:13
Woodruff, Evelyn - 21:24
Woodruff, Frank E., Jr. - 18:13
Woodstock, Vt. - 20:7
Woodward, Connie - 19:27
Woodward, Thomas - 19:27; 21:20, 24
Worcester Branch - 21:17
Worcester Mtns - 21:24
World War I - 19:4; 20:1, 2, 8; 20:1, 2, 22
World War II - 19:1, 5, 15, 38; 20:8,
World’s Columbian Expo. - 20:1
Wright, Alice - 20:33
Wright, Lynn - 20:35
Wrightsville Dam - 21:17
Yellow Inn Antiques Shop - 17:24
Young family - 21:29, 30
Young People’s - 21:14
Young school - 20:24-26
Young, Albert - 19:27; 20:35
Young, Alexander - 19:23
Young, Bruce - 17:37
Young, Francis - 20:37
Young, George - 19:23
Young, Maggie - 19:27; 20:35
Young, Mrs. Everett - 21:10
Zechinelli, Allen - 20:18
Zechinelli, Phyllis - 17:25; 20:18, 32