Journal of the Greensboro, (Vt.) Historical Society


by Patricia L. Haslam

The Hazen Road Dispatch began in 1975 as the newsletter of the then newly-organized Greensboro Historical Society.  Daniel Metraux was the founder and first editor of the newsletter which was intended to be the vehicle to publicize the events of the Greensboro Bicentennial Committee in 1976.  The index for the issues from 1975-1991 was completed in 1991 and thereafter published in five-year increments. by Pat Haslam. Sally Fisher, long-time editor, retired in 1995.  Stephani Ayers Cravedi and Andrea Perham succeeded her, They were followed by Gail Sangree as editor, who continues to serve.

Titles of articles with authors are listed chronologically.  Place names are included in the every-name listing.

Please note that the computer program sorts maiden names of wives (within parenthesis) grouped at the beginning of each letter of the alphabet, rather than within each letter alphabetically.  One must search each place within the letter of the alphabet to retrieve the needed information.


Ch= church
Co= county or company
comm= committee
conv= convention
Crafts= Craftsbury
Ctr= Center
F= Fall issue
Gr= Greensboro
Hdwk= Hardwick
illus/pic= illustration
Mtn= mountain
Soc= Society
Sp= Spring issue
Su= Summer issue


VOL. 27 (2002) TO VOL. 31 (2006)

Articles: (by volume and page)


Vol. 27 - Summer 2002

01 - Account of a Three -Day Trip on Horseback in 1937 - Joseph Fairbanks
11 - The Hardwick Town House Revisited - Pat Haslam
16 - Robert Frost and the Charms of Craftsbury - Charles T. Morrissey
20 - The Hardwick and Woodbury Railroad - Allen F. Davis
24 - Remembering Emilie Stuart Perry - Tom Woodward
29 - Stories of Spahr Cottage - Jenny Stoner
33 - Another look at Runaway Pond - Gail A. Sangree
38 - A Curious Marker aat the Village Cemetery - Pat Haslam
40 - Margaret Mead and Greensboro - Daniel A. Metraux
42 - Having a Wonderful Time, Wish You were Here - Lewis Hill
45 - Review of Metraux’s Craftsbury, A Brief Social History
48 - In Memoriam


Vol. 28 - Summer 2003


01 - Nancy Price Graff’s Looking Back at Vermont: Farm Security Administration Photographs 1936 -1942 - Allen F. Davis 
05 - Bixby Sisters Remember Growing Up During Prohibition in East Hardwick - Pat Haslam
10 - Remembering Helen - her friends
14 - The Woodbury Granite Company - Paul Wood
25 - Two Letters of Thomas Tolman the Younger - Gail Sangree
27 - A Brief History of Medicine in the Greensboro Area - Catherine Perry Wilkinson
31 - How We First Came to Greensboro, July 1910 - Peg Gray and Clive Day
35 - Ancient Vermont Almanacs Provide A Window to the Past - Daniel A. Metraux
38 - The Education of Victor Herbert Lukens - Alan B. Howes - 
44 - A Gypsy Baby - Elizabeth A. Wood
47 - Taxidermy Stories - Gail Sangree and Whitney Landon
51 - In Memoriam


Vol. 29 - Summer 2004 


01 - The Ellsworths, Missionaries to the Cherokees in the Early Nineteenth Century - Pat Haslam 
04 - A Northeast Kingdom Dairy Farm - Paul Wood
16 - The Mack Cottage on Caspian Lake - Gail Sangree
20 - My Great, Great Grandfather’s Grandfather Clock - Edward W. Throndson
27 - Two African - American Teachers and Their Critical Contributions to Education in Northern Vermont in the Mid and Late Nineteenth Century - Daniel A. Metraux
31 - Excerpt from “Caspian Lake, Greensboro” - R. Balfour Daniels
32 - A Pre -Civil War Migration from Craftsbury and Coventry, Vermont to Georgia: Boynton, Rawson, and Root Families - Pat Haslam
36 - Remembrances of My Mother Harriette R. Wilson - Margaret Bellak
39 - Remembering Greensboro - Rachel Whitman and Lee Whitman -Raymond
42 - Dissonance, Cedric Whitman
43 - Northern Vermont Revolutionary War Reenactments, Travis Reynolds and David Linck
46 - Memories of the first Day of School, Linda DuCharme
48 - In Memoriam


Vol. 30 - Summer 2005


04 - Three Generations of Farming by the Eddy Family in Walden, Vt. Pt 1 - Paul Wood
19 - Revisiting Stegner’s Second Growth - Lewis Hill
23 - Mid -Nineteenth Century Vermont Towns and Their Responsibilities to the General Citizenry - Daniel A Metraux
26 - Journal of a Tour to the West in the Year 1843 - Samuel C. Crafts
35 - Hardwick’s Competent Cooks in 1912 - Allen W. Davis
39 - A Comparison of Greensboro and Hardwick’s Tax Lists for the Year 1812 - Gail A Sangree
41 - The Beginning of Randolph Camp and at Lakewood Camp - Douglas Bishop
44 - Marion Urie’s Adventure on the Long Trail - End to End - Elizabeth A. Wood
48 - Evelyn DeBrune Springstead Remembers Greensboro’s Social Scene of the 1920’s - Gail A. Sangree and Elizabeth A. Wood
51 - Kitchen Junkets - Jeanette E. Hill
52 - Book Review: The View from the Big Rock - Daniel A Metraux
53 - In Memoriam


Vol. 31 - Summer 2006


01 - Raising Seed Potatoes in East Hardwick - Anne and Jim Batten, interview by Gail Sangree
05 - The Early Years of Greensboro Grange - Lewis Hill
08 - Three Generations of Farming by the Eddy Family in Walden, VT, Part II - Paul Wood
25 - The Indians of Vermont: A 1794 Perspective - Daniel A. Metraux 
28 - Early 20th Century Lakeview Inn brochure
29 - Journal of a Tour to the West in the Year 1843 Part II - Samuel C. Crafts
37 - A Dark and Stormy Night on Caspian Lake: Rowboat Ethics and the Gothic Tale of a Monster Fish - Charles T. Morrissey.
40 - Celebrating a Centennial: The Kreider Camp 1905 -2005 - Pat Haslam
42 - She Always Did Her Best - Allen W. Davis.
45 - Supervising Music in Vermont Schools: Evelyn Springstead Interview - Bette Wood and Gail Sangree.
47 - In Memoriam





A., Mr. res. nr Shadow Lake 1937 - 27:2
A.D.S. Dyspepsia Tablets - 30:36
Abel, Marian F. - 30:53
Abenakis - 28:46
African -Americans - 29:27-31
Age of Benevolence - 30:11
Ahlburn, Rev. Thomas E. - 28:51
Ai (a hired man) - 31:23
Ainsworth Bros. - 27:23
Ainsworth Town - 27:23
Alaska - 31:1
Albany Medical College, NY - 28:27
Albany, VT - 27:17
Alexander, Wayne H. - 27:33,37
Alexander, Wayne - 28:48
Allen, Carline (Bixby) - 28:5, 8, 9
Allen, Dr. Howard - 28;29
Allen, Ethan - 29:44
Allen, Heman - 31:29
Allen, Henry - 27:45
Allen, Ira - 29:44
Allen, Perley H. - 31:48
Allen, Perley - 28:5
Allen, Roscoe W. Sr. - 29:48
Allen, Wallace - 31:47
Almanacs (selected contents) - 28:35
Alpha Warner’s restaurant - 29:21
American Anthropologist - 27:41
American Bd of Foreign Missions - 29:1
American Hotel, Burlington, VT. - 30:27
American Places - 30:20
American Revolution - 27:34
Amherst College - 27:17, 18, 19
Anair, Ellen E. - 29:49
Angell, Eleanor - 27:11
Angelo, Fred - 28:24
annual training/ militia - 27:33, 34
Aspenhurst - 27:29; 28:38; 29:17
Athenian Hall, Brownington - 29:27, 29
Atkins, Fred - 29:15 
Atkins, Phyllis (Babcock) - 29:5, 7, 11, 14, 15; 30:16
Auto stage, Morrisville to Waterbury - 28:5
Averill, Charles (Wes) - 27:49
Averill, Geraldine B. - 31:48


B., Mrs. - 27:8
Babcock family - 30:18; 31:8
Babcock farmstead (map 1930) - 29:4
Babcock, Adella/Della (Bailey) - 29:5, 10
Babcock, Clyde & Ruth, (pic) - 29:15
Babcock, Clyde Simpson - 29:5 -15
Babcock, Clyde - 30:16; 31:23
Babcock, John Calvin - 29:5
Babcock, Luther - 29:5, 9, 10, 11, 14
Babcock, Ruth (Calderwood) - 29:5, 10, 12
Bailey, Dr. William - 28:28
Bailey, Rev. Kiah - 29:23
Bailey’s Music Rooms, Hdwk - 30:35
Baker Hill Rd., Gr. - 28:27
Baker Hill, Gr. - 28:28
Baker, Col. Samuel - 28:27, 28
Baker, Mr. (Congressman from MA) - 30:29, 31, 33, 35
Ball district, Woodbury - 27:13
Bankers Trust - 27:22
Barber Mabel, tea room, Gr. Bend - 27:9 -10
Barr, Rev. Andrew - 27:30
Barre Camps - 27:29
Barre, VT - 28:5, 6, 9; 29:17
Barrington, John - 30:44
Bartel, Ann - 29:23
Barton River (Glover) - 28:47, 48
Barton, General - 27:34
Barton, Joan - 27:11, 13
Barton, VT - 27:4, 33, 34
Bates, (att’y, Westfield, MA) - 30:29, 31, 33
Bates, Mr. - 31:35
Batten, Anne - 1 -3
Batten, C.J. Seed Potatoes - 31:2
Batten, Carleton - 31:1-4 (pic)
Batten, Fred farm - 29:4
Batten, Jim - 31:1
Batten, Susan (Joslyn) - 31:1
Battery -House, NYC - 30:28
Battle of Bennington - 29:44
Bayley -Hazen Military Rd - 31:8
Bayley -Hazen Rd. - 28:44, 45; 29:44; 30:6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 16; 31:20
Bayley -Hazen Rd., So., Walden - 29:5, 6
Beecher, Catherine - 30:36
Begin place - 31:1
Belding, M. - 27:11
Bell family - 29:24
Bell, Adine M. - 29:24
Bell, D.J. - 30:35
Bell, James - 31:15
Bell, Jennie W. - 29:24
Bellamy, Blanche - 28:33
Bellavance, Joyce - 28:51
Belvedere Mtn - 30:46
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream - 27:31
Benjamin, Asher pattern books - 30:12
Bethel, VT. - 28:15, 17, 18
Biancamano, Betty (Tallman) - 28:10
(Bickford), Bea Hicock - 29:18
Bickford, George - 27:21; 29:18
Bickford, George H. - 28:15, 17
Bickford, More Co. (1899) - 28:15
Bishop, Douglas - 30:43
Bixby House - 28:6, 7
Bixby, Carline - 28:5
Bixby, Charlie - 28:5, 6, 8, 9
Bixby, Dorothy - 28:9
Bixby, Hattie B. - 28:5, 6
(Bixby), Inga Paine - 28:5 -9
Bixby, John Frank - 28:5
Bixby, Madine - 28:9
Bixby, Marjorie - 28:5, 6
Bixby, Nettie (Boyce) - 28:5, 9
Black Cat Restaurant, Hdwk - 28:3
“black crows” - 27:23
Black River - 27:34
Black, John - 28:33
Black’s Point - 27:21; 28:32,33, 34; 29:39, 40
Blair, Marjory M. - 30:53
Blair,,Hazel - 30:49
Bliss Café - 30:36
Blodgett Mtn - 28:32
Blodgett, David - 27:34, 35
Blueberry Rock - 30:20
Blunt, Ainsworth E. - 29:3
Blunt, Harriet (Ellsworth) - 29:3
boarding house - 27:29
boarding house, Hdwk - 27:13
boarding house, Wilson Farm - 29:36
Boardman, Joseph - 29:27
Boat procession, fireworks, (1898) - 30:43
Bolio, Rollin R. - 31:49
Bonaparte, Joseph - 30:28
Bonnett, Archie - 31:22
Boston & Maine RR - 27:20, 21
Boston Evening Transcript - 28:9
Boston Univ. - 28:2
Box social - 30:49
Boyce, Frank & Edna (Blair) - 28:5
Boyce, Nettie Mae - 28:5
Boynton, Arathusa (Blood) - 29:33
Boynton, Clarissa (Rawson) - 29:32, 33, 35
Boynton, Hollis - 29:32, 33, 35
Boynton, Joseph J. - 29:33, 35
Boynton, Joseph - 29:33
Boynton, Penelope (Bryan) - 29:33
Boynton, Roba (Bryan) - 29:33
Boynton, Willard - 29:33, 35
Brainerd Mission Cemetery - 29:3
Brattleboro, VT. - 29:47
Briggs, Madine (Bixby) - 28:9
Briggs, Robert - 28:9
Brink, Lucile Adams - 30:42
Brooks Drugstore - 28:30
Brooks, Al - 28:48
Brooks, Phil (Glover) - 28:47, 48, 50
Brow, Winifred, Albany, VT - 31:3
Brown, Charles H - 31:20
Brown, Edmund - 31:21,22,23, 24
Brown, Francis H. - 29:49
Brown, Howard Coolidge - 27:50
Brown, Judith Marshall - 30:53
Brown, Mrs. C.H. - 31:21
Brown, Nellie (Eddy) - 31:20,23
Brownington, VT - 29:27 -29, 30
Buck Lake, Woodbury - 27:23
Buckham, Matthew (Pres. UVM - 29:30
Buckminster & Kelsey store, Danville - 30:11
Buffalo Crossing - 27:20
Buffalo Mtn Rd. - 27 -20; 29:17
Burbank, Nathaniel - 31:14
Burgoyne, Gen’l - 29:44
Burke Mtn - 27:6
Burke, VT - 27:7
Burklyn Hall - 27:7
Burlington camp - 30:43
Burlington, Iowa Terr. - 31:29
Burrell, Carl - 27:18
Burton, Mrs. Anna - 29:21
Byrd’s Antarctic Expedition - 29;14


C.& S. Wholesalers, White Rvr, Jct - 31:2
Cabot, VT - 28:27
Calais Historical Soc. - 27:33
Calais, VT. - 30:5,6
Calderwood, A. B. - 31:40
Calderwood, Dr. H.S. - 28:28
Calderwood, Ruth L. - 29:5
Caledonia Co. maps (1858, 1875) - 27:11, 13, 14
Caledonian -Record - 27:14
Calhoun, James (mayor of Atlanta) - 29;34
California gold rush - 31:1
Call and See House, Morristown - 28:6
Camel’s Hump - 30:45
Campbell, Mr. - 31:15
Canada - 27:45; 28:45
Cannon, Dr. John - 29:49
Cannon, Jean - 27:48
Carey Rd - 27:23
Carpenter, Mary Louise - 31:48
Carr, Ray - 29:12, 13
Carreer, Elma DeBrune - 29:48
Carriage maker - 29:6
Carter, Andrea Husher - 31:48
Carter, John - 28:13
Carter, Margaret Ryan - 29:48
Carter, Mary C. Fitzgerald - 27:48
Carter - Samuel - 29:48
Carter, Susan M. - 29:49
Caspian Lake - 27:17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 33, 42; 28:8, 12, 25, 31, 49, 40; 29:39, 44; 30:50
Caspian Lake Grange #382 - 31:5 -7
Caspian Lake House - 27:42
Caspian Lake Sail Around - 29:44
Caspian Lake view (pic) - 31:28
Caspian Lake, Hardwick’s Summer resort,” - 29:17
Castle Garden, NYC - 30:28
Cate, Weston - 27:33
Central Cong’l Ch, New Orleans - 29:30
Central Labor Union - 28:19
Champagne, Rolland - 31:48
Chapman, Helen & Hudson - 27:30
Chapman, Samuel H. III - 31:47
Chase (family) - 28:31
Chase, Frankie & Mrs. - 28:32
Chatauquas - 27:12
Chattanooga, TN - 29:1
Cheese -making - 31:14
Cherokee Indians, 29:32
Cherokee Mission, Brainerd, Georgia/Tenn. - 29:1
Chicago Fire, (1871) - 29:35
Chicago School (architecture) - 29:35
Children’s Home Society of Fla - 31:43
Chillicothe, OH - 29:22
Chocquette farm, Houston Hill - 21:1
Christian Union Society Meeting House - 30:11
Church St., Hdwk - 27:20
City Hall, Chicago - 28:16
Civil War - 27:23; 28:29; 29:33
 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) - 27:6
(Clark), Elizabeth Rawson - 29:34
(Clark), Mary Root - 29:34
Clark, Julius F. - 31:30, 31, 33
Clark, Mr. J.A. - 31:30
Clark, Patrick - 31:48
Clark, Rev. Justice M. - 31:30, 31
Clark’s Garage, E. Hdwk - 28:6
Clay, Henry - 29:34
Clement, W.O. - 29:17
Clement, William E. - 31:20
Clement, William - 28:6
Cleveland - OH - 31:34
Cobb, Lydia - 29:21
Cobb, Mr. Farm - 27:34
Cobb, Roscoe - 27:22; 31:43
Cole, Peleg - 27:16, 17
(Coleman), Mary Ellsworth - 29:2, 3
Coleman, Mrs. & Sam - 28:32
College of Physicians & Surgeons - 28:28
Collier, Bridget - 28:10
Collier, Cleora - 28:10; 29:36, 38; 30:53
Collier, Gretta May - 27:49
Collier, Leona Breen - 28:51
Collier -Hill, Camilla - 31:48
Collins, Lansing - 27:26
Columbia Univ. - 28:2
Columbian Exposition, Chicago (1893) - 29:35
Concord Corners - 27:18
Confederate Army - 28:27
Cong’l Ch, E. Hdwk (pic) - 27:44
Cong’l Ch, Gr - 28:8; 29:1, 2, 3, 32;
Cong’l Ch, Hdwk - 30:35
Congregational Ch, Hdwk - 31:43
Cong’l Ch, So. Walden - 30:11
Conway, NH - 27:19
Cook Cty Courthouse (Ill.) - 27:22; 28:16
Cook, Albert - 28:31
Cook, Bill & Nancy (Dunbar) - 31:5
Cook, Jim - 28:31
Cook’s Hill Rd. - 29:39
Coolidge, Melba - 29:48
Cooper Brook - 31:43
Copley Hospital Thrift Shop - 28:5
Corbin, Pliny M. - 31:36
Corcoran, Patrick, (clock dr.,) - 29:21
Corinth, VT. - 29:28
Corkscrew Brook - 27:21
Corkscrew Rd. - 27:22
Corwin, Leonard - 28:34
Country Courier - 30:51
Coventry, VT - 27:35
Parker, Judge - 27:345
Coventry, VT - 29:32
Coventry, VT., - 30:28
Cox Drug Store - 28:3
Crafts, Ebenezer - 30:27
Crafts, Eunice (Todd) - 30:27
Crafts, Samuel C. - 27:35
Crafts, Samuel C. - 31:29
Crafts, Samuel - 28:36; 30:27
Crafts. Academy - 27:46; 28:27; 29:27, 29, 30, 31
Crafts. Chamber Players - 27:12
Crafts. Common - 27:46
Crafts. history - 28:27
Crafts. Rd. - 27:25
Craftsbury, - 27:16, 17, 18, 25; 28:5, 35; 30:27; 31:36
Craftsbury: A Brief Social History - 27:45
Crandall, W.B. - 31:40
Crawford, William A. - 27:49
Crystal Lake - 27:4
Currier, J. M. - 27:35
Currier, Jim (Glover) - 28:47
Currier’s General Store (Glover) - 28:47, 50
Curtis family - 30:42
Cuthbertson House (now library) - 28:29
Cuthbertson’s Store (buggy deliveries) - 28:33; 29:36


Dales, Gardner H. - 27:48
Dales, Ruth Lindquist - 30:53
Damaskos girls (5) - 29:39, 40
Damaskos, Taki & Toni - 29:39, 40
Daniel, T.T., Mackville - 28:15
Daniels Pond - 27:2
Danville Bank - 30:45
Darling Inn - 27:7, 8
Darling), Mary Hewes - 27: 1
Darling, Elmer - 27:7
Darling, Maurice - 27:1, 3, 7, 8, 9
Darling, W. Ritchie - 31:49
Dartmouth college - 27:18
Daudon, M. Daniel - 31:49
Davis, Allen F. - 27:42; 28:13; 29:17, 33
Davis, C.F. store, Hdwk, - 29:9
Davis, Col. Jacob - 30:5
Davis, Dorothy N - 29:48
Davis, Harold F. - 27:22
Davis, Jefferson - 29:34
Davis, Sarah Colton (1867 -1957) - 30:35
Day, Arthur - 28:32, 34
Day, Clive - 28:31, 32
Day, Ellen - 28:31, 32, 34
Day, Elsie - 28:31, 34
Day, Margaret (Peg) - 28:31
Day, Marvin (Tibby) - 28:34
Day, Pomeroy - 28:34
Dean, Frank A. - 31:9
“Dearwood,” Edgewood - 31:40
Debrune, Alma - 30:48, 49
(DeBrune) - Helen Lyles - 28:10
(DeBrune), Evelyn - 28:10
Debrune, Helen - 30:48, 49
DeBrune, Mr. - 30:48, 49
Degnan, Helen B. - 29:48
Delano family - 29:24
Delano, Alice Lyman - 29:23, 25
Delano, Eliza (Warner) - 29:23
Delano, Florence M. - 29:23
Delano, Jane (born 1829) - 29:23
Delano, Jane Vincent - 29:23
Delano, Joseph (born 1820) - 29:23
Delano, Joseph R. - 29:23
Delano, L.H. - 27:15
Delano, Lewis Howe - 29:23
Delano, Lewis Warner - 29:23
Delano, Maria (Warner) - 29:23
Delano, Mrs. J.V. - 29:21, 23
Demers, George - 31:48
Densmore, John C. - 29:48
Depot Days - 27:12
Depression (1930’s) - 28:1
Depression of 1893 - 27:21
Depression years - 31:2; 30:52
Depression - 28:4; 29:9, 12, 15
Detroit, MI - 31;33
Dickson, Arvilla (Lottie) - 27:50
Dickson, Lawrence R., Jr. - 27:50
Dillon, Wilton - 27:41
Dimick place - 31:1
Dimock boy - 28:8
Dog Pond, Woodbury - 31:23
Dow family - 30:11
Dow, Abiel - 30:7
Dow, Edwom. - 31:15
Dow, Elizabeth - 27:13
Dow, J.L. - 31:22
Dow, J.W. farm - 31:20
Dow, Nathaniel B. - 30:6, 7
Dow, Nathaniel - 29:5
“Dow, Peter” - 30:21
Dow’s Crossing - Walden - 29:9
Driscoll, Walt (Island Pond) - 28:50
Drown, Cynthia J. - 31:48
Drown, Laura A. Jordan - 28:51
DuCharme, Linda - 29;47
Dudley Brook - 29:5, 6, 12
Dufer, Frank - 28:31
“Dummy” Hdwk - 28:3
Dunbar, Herb - 29:36
Duncan, James - 28:22
Dunn’s Mrs. Carrie P. - 30:36
 Dustan, Augusta Crafts - 30:54
Dutton family - 30:11
Dutton, Alonzo - 31:9
Dutton, E.A. farm - 29:5
Dutton, E.E. farm - 31:22
Dutton, Erastus E. farm - 31:20
Dwinell Furniture Co. - 28:48


E. Craftsbury, VT - 27:18, 40, 43; 29:5; 30:45, 52
E. Hdwk creamery - 27:42
E. Hdwk Hotel - 28:6
E. Montpelier, VT - 28:2
East Craftsbury Rd. - 27:1
East Hdwk Cong’l Ch - 28:9
East Hdwk Grange - 28:9; 31:7
East Hdwk - 28:5 -9; 29:6; 31:1, 24
East Hill, E. Crafts - 27:46
Eastern Band of Cherokee - 29:2
Eastman, Howard - 31:3
Eastman, Jonathan - 27:18
Easton, Dr. Frank - 28:29
Easton, Dr. of Craftsb. - 28:29
Eddy Burying Ground - 30:11
Eddy Cemetery - 31:24
Eddy Emma - 31:9, 18
Eddy farm (1850) - 30:16
 Eddy farm, So. Walden - 29:5, 14; 30:7; 31:8, 10 -15
Eddy schoolhouse - 30:9
Eddy, Amos Whipple - 30:11; 31:8 -24
Eddy, Amos W. - 29:5
Eddy, Amos - 30:9, 10, 16, 17
Eddy, Bernice (Davis) - 31:20
Eddy, Bernice - 28:44; 31:22, 23, 24
Eddy, Capt. - 30:12, 13
Eddy, Capt. Edmund (1776 -1859) - 29:5 -7; 30:5, 17; 31:8, 13, 16
Eddy, E.W. place - 31:21
Eddy, Edmond and Phebe - 30:5
Eddy, Edmund W. (1870 -1931) - 29:5-7; 30: 5 - 6, 7, 9, 11, 17; 31:18, 19, 20
Eddy, Edmund - 28:44, 45, 46; 29:5; 31:21, 22, 23
Eddy, Elizabeth - 29:5
Eddy, Erastus - 29:5; 30:6
Eddy, Henry - 30:5
Eddy, John Erastus - 30:12
Eddy, John - 30:5, 10, 11; 31:8, 9, 20
Eddy, Kenneth N. - 31:23, 24
Eddy, Laura May - 31:9
Eddy, Lucy - 30:12
Eddy, Marcia, 31:9, 18,20
Eddy, Maurice H. - 31:9, 19
Eddy, Maurice - 28:44;  31:23, 24
Eddy, Minnie (Kittridge - 31:18
Eddy, Nellie M. - 31:9, 14,18, 1920
Eddy, Phoebe R. - 31:8, 18, 19
Eddy, Roxanna (Tobey) - 31:24
Eddy, Sally (Tucker) - 29:6; 30:6, 11, 12
Eddy, Sally M. - 30:6, 10, 11
Eddy, Sally - 30: 31:8, 9, 13, 14, 17
Eddy, Samuel - 30:12
Eden, VT - 28:2
Edgewood Lane - 28:8; 29:17, 19; 31:40
Edinboro Univ. - 27:19
Edsall cottage - 29:39, 40, 41
Edsall, John T. - 28:51
Edwards family - 30:11
Eighteen sixteen & Froze to Death,” - 28:35
Eisner, Bill - 28:13, 49
Eisner, Margaret Wallace - 27:48
Eisner, Stanley - 28:49, 50; 31:41
Eligo Pond - 27:17
Ellis Island - 30:28
Ellis, E.B. Co. - 28:15, 16
Ellsworth, Eliza (Tolman) - 29:2, 3, 32
Ellsworth, Frederick - 29:2, 3
Ellsworth, Harriet - 29:2, 3, 32
Ellsworth, John & Sally/Sarah (Strong) - 29:1, 2
Ellsworth, John Clark - 29:2, 3
Ellsworth, John - 29:32
Ellsworth, Mary (Coleman) - 29:2, 3
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - 27:17
English barn (Eddy) - 30:8
English barn - 30:15, 16; 31:12
Erie Canal - 30:17, 28
Evans, Clement, General - 29:34
Evans, Walker (photographer) - 28:2
“Eveningside camp” - 28:38
Express & Standard - 27:35
Extension Service - 31:7


Fadden, Greta M. - 31:48
Fair, Harold - 28:24
Fair’s, Mrs., W. Burke - 27:6
Fairbanks, Caroline McMillen - 29:48
Fairbanks, Joseph - 27: 1
Fairbanks, Robert - 27: 1
Farm Credit - 31:7
farm dinners, 1937 - 27: 3
farm life (1937) - 27:9
Farm Security Admn (FSA) - 28:1, 2, 4
Farmall Tractor’s, Hdwk - 29:14
Farmer, Fannie Merittt - 30:36
Farr, (prize fighter) 1937) - 27:8
Farrington family - 30:11
Farrington, Charles - 29:6
Farrington, Francis - 30:11
Farrington, Nathaniel - 31:15
Farrington, Leonard - 31:15
Federal Drug Administration (FDA) - 28:30
Ferber, Elise Van Hook - 27:48
Fern, Claire - 27:50
Fire District - 28:12
First female lawyer, VT - 27:46
First National Store, Hdwk - 29:9
Fisher, Sally - 27:11, 13; 29:17, 21, 23, 25, 44
Fisher,”Capt” Andrew - 29:43, 44
Fisk, Univ., New Orleans - 29:30
“Flat Rock” home - 27:18
Fleming - Elmer - 29:46
Fletcher Granite Co. - 31:43
Fletcher Quarry - 27:22
Fletcher, E.R. - 27:21
Flint, Frank - 27:16
Flood of 1927 - 27:23; 29:15
Flood of 1927, E. Hdwk - 28:6
Fontaine, Estelle - 28:51
Ford, Mr., W. Burke - 27:6
Fort Mackinac - 31:33
Fort Winebago (Wisc) - 31:30, 31
Fort, Miss Florida - 29:33
Forth Years of Granite,” - 29:17
Foss, Evelyn (Evie) - 31:47
Foster camp - 28:32
Foster diaries - 31:9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 24
Foster farm - 31:15
Foster, Dr. Clarence - 28:29; 30:50
Foster, Harvey - 31:9, 10,12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 23
Foster, Mary (Montgomery) - 31:9
Foster, Mary - 31:23
Foster, Sally (Gould) - 31:9
Fowler, George -  27:18; 28:33
Franconia, NH - 27:16
Franklin, Dorothy V. - 30:54
Freeman, Al - 28:4
Freewill Bapt., So. Walden - 30:11
French & Indian War - 29:45
French -Canadian farmers - 28:8
French -Canadian granite workers - 28:23
French -Canadians - 27:3
French -Canadians to Crafts. - 27:45
Frost, Carol - 27:16
Frost, Elinor White - 27:19
Frost, Lillian (LaBatt) - 27:17
Frost, Robert, - 27:16, 26
Frye, J. L. - 31:22
Fuller Brush Co. - 29:12
Fuller, Lester & Helen - 29:15
Fullerton, W.H. - 28:15
Fulsom, Mr. - 31:15
Fur -bearing fish story - 28:48 -49


Gaboriault, Raymond P, - 31:49
Galaxy Bookshop, Hdwk - 27:47
Gallup & Hunt stable - 27:5
Garen, Ivan Charles - 27:48
Garland, Harry - 31:23
Garner, John N. (TTX) - 28:2
Garven, Jerlean - 27:49
Gates, Leo - 28:5, 6
Gates, Mary - 28:5
Gebbie family - 31:3
Gebbie, Donald M. II - 29:48
Gebbie, Dorothy (Bixby) - 28:9
Gebbie, Lester - 28:9
Gebbie, Mrs. Mellie - 31:5, 7
Gerould, Mary - 28:27
 Girl Scouts - 30:52
girls camp, Willoughby Lake - 27:5
Glover Historical Soc. - 27:33
Glover Historical Society - 28:48
Glover Pond - 27:35
Glover, VT - 27:33, 34, 35, 37; 28:28, 47-49
golf - 27:25
Gomes,, Herbert E. - 30:53
Gonyaw, Arlene F. - 29:49
Good Hearted Class, Hdwk - 30:35, 36, 38
Goodenough, Edward - 31:18, 20
Goodenough, Marcia (Eddy) - 31:18,20
Goodrich, Ralph - 29:49
Goodwin, Hiram L. - 31:8
Goodwin, Virgil & Elsie - 31:41
Goss, John A. - 31:28
Gould, Miss, of Hardwick - 29:18
Gr Bicentennial Comm - 27:40, 41
Gr. Bend - 27:14, 43
Graff, Nancy P. - 28:1
“Gram & Gramps” - 27:20
Grand Central Station, NYC - 29:35
Grand Union, Hdwk - 28:3
Grange - 29:38; 30:49
Granger family - 30:11
Granite business - 29:17
Granite Cutters Journal - 28:22
Granite Cutters Union - 28:19, 22
Granite Hills Gallery - 27:12
Granite Jct. - 27:20
granite quarries - 27:20
Granite Trust Co. - 28:17
Grant family (Lyndonville,) - 31:3
Gray Chronicle of Greensboro - 28:31
Gray family - 30:20
Gray, Clive - 28:31
Gray, Peg (Day) - 28:31
Gray, Philip - 28:31
Gray, Sherry - 30:53
Great Depression - 30:52
Great Hosmer Pond - 27:17
Greaves, Frank - 30:54
Green Mtn Club - 30:45, 47
Green Mtn School for the Retarded - 31:46
Green Mtn State Militia - 29:44
Greensboro Assoc. - 27:31; 28:13
Greensboro Bend - 27:9, 28; 28:30; 29:8; 30:51; 31:2, 5
Greensboro Bend hotel - 28:29, 30
Greensboro Free Library - 29:38
Greensboro Hist. Soc. - 27:37; 28:29; 29:38,; 29:44
Greensboro Hospital (1933) - 28:29
Greensboro Hospital - 29:36
Greensboro Memorial Garden Bk. - 28:51; 29:49; 30:54
Greensboro Pond - 30:41
Greensboro, VT - 27:10, 33, 37, 40
Grensboro church - 27:31
Griffin, Nancy - 28:51
Grimes, Raymond E. - 31:49
Grow, J. Blaine - 28:4
Gulley House, The - 27:17
Guttersnipe (flatboat) - 29:44
Gypsies (Walden) - 28:44 -46


Habitat for Humanity - 29:38
Hadley, Miss - 31:30
Hale, Ashbel - 28:36
Hall, Clinton T. - 31:47
Hall, Doris V. - 29:49
Hall, Frederick W. - 27:48
Hamel, Wilfred J. - 30:53
Hanson, Earl A. - 30:54
Hanson, Ruth - 28:51
Harbeck, Mike (Irasburg) - 28:50
Harbison, Robert B. - 31:49
Hardwick & Woodbury RR - 27:20 -23; 28:17,18
Hardwick Gazette - 27:11, 44, 47; 28: 3, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 52; 29:17, 23, 44, 49; 30:54; 31:20, 24
Hdwk Granite Co. - 29:17
Hdwk map (1875) - 27:14
Hdwk militia - 29:22
Hardwick St. - 29:20, 21, 44
Hardwick, MA - 29:21
Hardwick, VT - 27:42; 28:2, 3; 29:46
Hardy, Audubon - 30:41, 43
Hardy, Robert A., Jr. - 28:51
Harrison, Gen’l (Ohio) - 30:32
Hartson, Homer - 28:8, 9
Harvard College - 30:27
Harvard Univ. - 27:18; 29:39; 31:25
Harvey, Clayton - 31:3
Harvey, Dr. - 31:22
Haslam, Nick - 27:14
Haslam, Pat - 28:26; 30:27
Hastings Store, W. Danville - 28::2
Hatch, Betty - 31:24
Haweis Mission - 29:3
Hay, George W. , Sr. - 31:48
Hay, John - 28:23
Hayward, Rufus - 28:6
Hazen Rd. Cemetery - 29:22, 23
Hazen Rd Dispatch - 27:11, 40, 41; 28:2; 29:17; 30:17, 18; 31:8, 29
Hazen Rd. Pomona Grange #15 - 31:5, 7
Hazen Rd. School House - 27:40; 30:52
Hdwk Academy - 27:11, 12, 13; 31:43
Hdwk Area History Advocates (HAHA) - 27:14
Hdwk Country Club - 31:1
Hdwk Hardware Co. - 30:35
Hdwk Historical Society - 27:11
Hdwk Opera House - 27:12
Hdwk Steam Laundry - 30:35
Hdwk Town House - 27:111
Henderson, George W., (1850 -1936) - 29:27-31
Henderson, Mrs. (boarding school) - 28:26
Henry Family Sextette - 27:13
Henry, Charles W. - 27:13
Herbert, Willis farm - 27:16
Herrick, Col. Samuel - 29:43, 44
Herrick’s Regt, Green Mtn Rangers - 29:43, 44, 45
Hewes, Mary (Darling) - 27:1
Hewet, Doct. - 30:28
Hicock, Bea (Bickford) - 29:18
Highland Lodge - 27:1
Hill, Arthur R. - 31:47
Hill, Earl - 31:22
Hill, Edward Harland - 27:50
Hill, Horace - 31:34
Hill, Jeanette E. - 28:51; 30:48
Hill, Lanny & Mary Jean - 28:7
Hill, Lewis - 28:9, 30; 30:48
Hill, Mrs. - 31:31
Hill, Nancy - 27:37
Hill, Nathan - 30:27, 28
Hill Nathan S. - 31:34
Hill, Peleg - 28: 36
Hill, William - 31:3
History of Calais - 27:33
History of Greensboro, Vt. - 28:8, 26
History of the Granite Industry . . .” - 29:17
History of the Town of Glover, (1983) - 28:48
Hobart, Winnifred (Crocket) - 27:50
Hocking, Constance O’Reilly - 27:18
Hocking, Richard - 28:33, 34
Hocking, William Ernest - 27:18, 19
Hocking, William - 31:43
Hockings, Earnest - 28:33
Hodgdon, Archie A, Jr. - 31:49
Holden, John - 27:21
Holden, John S. - 28:15, 17
Hollaway, David (St.J.) - 30:48
Holt, Florence Taber - 27:16
Holt, Henry - 27:16
Holton, A. - 27:15
Home Dem - 29:38
Hopkins, Rhoda - 27:13
Horns, Henry W. - 27:49
Hotel Southern, Bakersfield, CA - 29:23, 24
Houghton, F. J. - 29:14
House UnAmerican Activities Comm - 27:32
Howard, Agnes G. - 31:47
Howard’s Hotel, Burlington, VT. - 31:36
Huckleberry Rocks - 28:32
Humphrey, Harriet (Wilson) - 30:52
Hunt, Lyman C., Jr - 28:48
Hunter College - 27:30, 32
Huntington, Dr. Henry - 28:27
Huntington, Dr. Samuel - 28:27, 28
Huntington, Henry - 28:27
Hurricane, 1938 - 29:9


Ice harvesting - 29:8
Idle Hour Theater - 30:35
Igleheart, Kimball - 31:49
Indian Territory - 29:2
Indian Wars of 1836, Stewart Co., GA - 29:33
Iowa Territory - 30:34
Irish to Craftsb - 27:45
Iron war -steamer - 31:35
Irwin, Peter C., Jr. - 31:49
Irwin, Scott H. - 27:48
Isham, Rupert “Bill”, Jr. - 31:49
Isham, Rupert L., Sr. - 30 


Jackman, B.F. & Hattie L - 28:48
Jackson, Andrew (Pres.) - 28:35
Jackson, Kay - 27:26
Jacobsen, Helen - 27:49
Jamieson, Mahlon - 28:9
Jarvis, Dr. - 28:30
Jay Peak - 30:45
Jenkins, Friend - 29:19; 31:41
Jenkins, George R., 29:19; 31:41
Jenkins, Margaret - 29:19; 31:41
Jerico, VT. Academy - 29:30
Jeudevine Library - 31:43
Jeudevine plot - 31:42
Jeudivine, Alden E. - 27:11
Johnson Teachers’ college - 31:46
Johnson, Nancy - 27:50
Johnston, Mildred - 27:48
Jordan Bakery - 30;36
Joslyn, Henry - 31:1-4 (pic)
Joslyn, Rachel - 31:1


Kaplan, Abe & Ruth - 30:21
Keene, NH - 27:34
Keene’s Corner - 27:34
Kelly - Margaret - 29:49
Kelly, Oliver Hudson - 31:5
Kenniston, W.B. - 31:22
Killington, VT. - 30:45
King, Rev. Samuel - 28:36
King, Shirley - 28:51
Kinney, Dr. F.C. - 28:29
Kinsey, Helen L. - 30:53
Kinsey, Jeffrey A. - 31:47
Kitchen junkets - 30:51
Knight family - 30:11
Knox, Col. Frank (Ill) - 28:2
Kramer, John - 31:47
Kreider, Larry & Glea - 28:8; 31:40-41


LaBatt, Lillian - 27:17
Ladd, Sam - 28:31
Ladies Aid Soc., So. Walden Ch, 29:13; 31:23
Ladies Aid Society - 31:8
LaJoy, J.O. - 31:40
Lake Champlain - 28:8 
Lake George, NY - 28:39
Lake Massawippi (Quebec) - 28:31
Lake Memphremagog - 27:2, 33, 44; 28:31, 48;
Lake Rd. - 30:42
Lake View House, (pic) 31:29
Lake Winebago - 31:32
Lakeview Inn - 27:29
Lakewood Camp - 30:43
Lalime, Dr. George - 28:29
Lamoille County Railroad’s Foliage train - 27:14
Lamoille River - 27:11, 33, 34
Lamoille River, E. Hdwk - 28:6
Lamoille Valley Creamery, E. Hdwk 29:6, 12; 31:23
Lamoille Valley Railroad - 27:12
Lamonda, Frank. 30:51
Lamphere -Foster, Pearl H. - 27:49
Lamson, J.P. 31:22
Landon, Alfred (KS) - 28:2
Landon, Whitney - 27:26; 29;49, 50
Lane, Clyde - 27:22
Langer, Dorothea - 28:1
Lanphear, Ona Gomes - 30:54
LaPerle, Roger - 28:44
Larkin Soap Co. (NY) - 29:18
Larrabee, Susan J.B. - 27:48
Laundrdomat, Hdwk - 28:3
Law - Arden Warner - 29:24
Law, Alice (Warner) - 29:24
Law, Dr. Hubert - 29:24
Leavitt, Mr. - 31:15
LeCours - Roger, Leo, & Robert - 31:2
LeCours, Roger - 27:14
Lee, Robert E. - 29:34
Leland, Adelbert - 28:48
Leonard, Charles W. - 28:15, 17
Lewandoski, Jan L. - 31:17
Liberty (schooner) - 29:44
Library Day (1913) - 28:33
Life Magazine - 28:1, 2
Linck, David - 29:44
Lincoln, Abraham - 29:34
Little Hosmer Pond - 27:17
Little, Irene Q,, 31:48
Logan, Daniel - 28:24
Long Pond - 27:33, 34, 37; 30:20
Long Trail -  27:18; 30:44, 45
Long, Juey - 28:3
Look Magazine - 28:1
Loomis, Chester - 29:31
Louis, Joe (prize fighter) - 27:8
Lowell, Bernard, M. - 31:47
Lowell. Neil N. - 28:51
Lukens, Alan F. - 28:38
Lukens, Elsie - 28:38
Lukens, Jaywood - 28:38
Lukens, Victor H. - 28: -43
Lumpkin, GA - 29:32
Lumsden - Lee - 28:9
Lumsden, Donald B., Jr. -  27:50
Lumsden, Lilly McKinney - 30:54
Lumsden’s farm - 30:48
Lunt, Maude M. - 30:37
Lyford’s Pond - 29:8
Lyles Gulf & Emporium - 28:13
Lyles Insurance - 28:12
Lyles Newsletter - 28:12
Lyles, Everett - 28:12, 13
Lyles, Helen (DeBrun) - 28:10-13, 29, 51
Lyles, Janet - 28:12
Lyles, Jim - 28:12
Lyman, Charlotte E. - 29:23
Lyndon State Teacher’s College - 30:50
Lyndon, VT -  27:7; 28:26
Lyndonville, VT - 27:6, 7; 28:9
Lytle, Jean - 27:30
Lytle, Ridgely - 27:29, 30
Lytle, Scott - 28:49
Lytle. Elizabeth (Spahr) - 27:29, 30


Mack cottage, Caspian Lake - 29:16 (pic) - 29:16
Mack, Abby - 29:17, 18
Mack, Elisha - 27:23
Mack, H.R. - 27:23; 31:22
Mack, Henry camp - 31:41
Mack, Henry Resolved - 29:17 -19
Mack, Henry, son of Warren - 29:18
Mack, Katie - 29:17
Mack, Lois - 29:17
Mack, Lucy - 29:17, 18
Mack, Ned - 29:17
Mack, Warren - 29:17, 18
Mackender, Harry - 30:35
Mackinaw, MI - 31:32, 33
Mackville - 27:23
Mackville Brook - 27:23
Mackville Historic District - 29:17
Mackville Pond - 27:23
Mackville, hydroelectric station - 28:19
MacVeagh, Lincoln - 27:16
Madison, Wisc. Terr. - 31:30
Main St. Cemetery, Hdwk - 31:42
Maine potatoes - 31:2
Manthey -Zorn, Ethel - 27:19
Manthey -Zorn, Otto - 27:17,, 19
Map of Eddy property, 2005 - 30:4
Map, 1843, S. Crafts western tour - 30:26
Marble monument shop, Hdwk - 29:17
Marsh, Guilbert R. - 30:53
Marshall, Della N. Lunge - 31:42
Marshall, Leah A. - 31:42
Marshall, Willie W. - 31:42
Marshfield, VT. 31:8
Masefield, John - 27:26
Masons (fraternity), 28:25; 31:5
Massachusetts settlers - 27:46
Massey, Leo Anthony - 28:51
McCarthy Era - 27:32
McFeeter’s Store, E. Hdwk - 28:6
McLaughlin, Sgt Scott P. - 41:48
McLean, Susan Gardner Doherty - 31:48
McLoud Block, Hdwk - 28:3
McLoud Co - 30:35
McVickar, H. Kane - 28:51
Mead, Margaret - 27:40 -41
Mecklin, Professor (1871 -1956) - 31:37
Medicine shows - 28:30
Meigs, Mr. of Morristown, VT. - 31:34
Merchant, Spc. Christopher - 31:49
Mercier, Alexina V. - 31:48
Mercier, Wilfred - 28:9
Merino sheep - 30:15
Merrill’s General Store - Gr. - 29:19
Messier, Robert - 30:53
Methodist Church, Hdwk - 28:4
Meth. Episc. Ch, Hdwk - 27:11, 13
Methodist Ch, So. Walden - 30:11
Metraux, Daniel A. - 27:33, 40, 45-47
Metraux, Eric -  27:46; 29;27
Metraux, Rhoda - 27:40; 29:48; 31:25-27
Meyer, Hugo B. - 29:48
Meyer, Steve - 27:13
Meyers, Jeffrey -  27:18
Middlebury College - 28:1, 36; 29:28
Middlebury Gap - 30:47
Middlebury Inn - 30:47
Middlebury Marble Mfg Co. (c. 1816) - 28:37
Miles, Samuel - 28:35
Militia - 29:44
Mill Village, Crafts - 27:45
Millar, Mr. (“Tioga” accident) - 30:32
Millar, Rev. William - 31:24
Millard, William H., Sr. - 31:48
Mills, Hdwk - 27:23
Milton Academy - 27:24, 26, 27, 28
Minard, Hattie - 28:5, 6
Minden (Crafts.) - 27:45
Minor, Dr. - 28:31
Minor, Edward “Ned” - 31:47
Mission of the Indian Tribes - 29:2
Mitchell family - 28:32
Mitchell, Bill -  27:40
Mitchell, Joyce -  27:40
Molly Falls Telephone Co. - 29:14
Monongahela House, PA - 30:30
Monroe, James (Pres.) - 29:1
Montgomery & Low caskets - 31:22
Montgomery Bros, E. Hdk - 29:12
Montgomery Hardware, E. Hdwk - 29:12
Montgomery, H. - 27:15
Montgomery, Harvey - 28:7
Montgomery, James “Craig” - 31:48
Montgomery, Mary - 31:9
Montgomery’s Hardware Store, E. Hdwk - 28:6
Montgomery’s Hotel, E. Hdwk - 28:7
Montpelier & Wells River RR - 27:22
Moody barn - 27:10
Moody, Harriet - 27:16
Morey, Susan B. - 29:48
Morissette, Romeo - 30:54
Mormons - 31:29
Morrill Brook - 30:7, 9, , 11, 12
Morrill Brook, So. Walden - 29:6, 9
Morrissey, Charlie - 30:20
Morrisville, VT - 27:14; 28:2
Moye, Matthew - 29:35
Mr. Hill - 31:30
Mr. Wilson’s mill - 27:33, 34
Mt. Hor - 27:5
Mt. Mansfield - 27:42
Mt. Mansfield hike - 30:44, 45
Mt. Pisgah - 27:5, 6
Mountain View Country Club - 27:25
Mud Pond - 27:33; 30:20
Mullen, Lawrence T. - 28:51
Muller, Margaret H. - 29:30
Munsell, Lottie - 30:37
Mydans, Carl - 28:2, 3, 4


Nat’l Register of Hist. Places - 27:11
National Grange - 31:5, 6
Nation -Wide stores, 28:3
Native -Americans - 28:27
Nelson, Mr. - 30:34
Nelson, Sidney - 29:17, 18
New Brunswick potatoes - 31:2
New Deal Agency - 28:1
New Eng. Conservatory - 31:45
New Eng. Telephone Co. - 30:35
New England barn - 30:8; 31:11, 12, 17
New York Times - 27:32
Newburn, John L. - 27:50
Newport Graded Schools, VT - 29:30
Newport, VT - 27:35; 28:2
News & Citizen, Morrisville - 28;9
No. Crafts - 27:46
Noble, Mr. (merchant of PA) - 30:29, 
(Noddin), Emma Warner - 29:24
Normal school, first - 27:46
North Greensboro - 30:19
North of Boston (poem) - 27:16
North Shore Rd. - 29:40
North Walden Cemetery - 29:24
Northeast Kingdom - 27: 1, 18; 28:8, 48; 29:11, 15
Northfield, VT - 28:15, 17, 18; 29:46
Norton, Alison - 27:26
Norton, Paul - 27:26
Nunn, Harold - 27:14


Office of War Information - 28:4
Offord, David R, “Dan” - 29:49
Olds, Glenn A. - 31:49
Olmsted, Margaret (Russell) - 29:48
Olmsted, Richard S. - 27:49
Orange County Grammar School - 29:28
Orleans & Lamoille Counties Gazetteer - 28:27
Orleans Co Monitor - 27:47
Orleans County Hist. Soc. - 29:27
Orleans County Fair - 27:25
Orleans County Grammar School - 29:27, 29
Orleans Cty Historical Soc. - 27:36
Orleans Cty population 1800-1810 - 28:36
Osborne, Stanley, deJ. - 29:49
Osgood, Mr. - 31:15
“Overland” touring car (1916) - 28:34
Owen, Joseph - 27:34, 35
Owl’s Head (Canada) - 27:2


Packet canal boats (description) - 30:30
Pacquette’s Prescription Pharmacy - 30:36
Paine, Inga (Bixby) - 28:5-9
Paine, Max H - 28:5
Paine, Tom - 28:5, 9
Paine’s Christmas Tree Farm - 28:5
Parameswar, Chitra - 28:38
Parke, Anne (Sangree) - 27:32
Parke, Bob - 27:32
Parke, Grandpa - 27:32
Parke, Mary -  27:32
Parker Pond - 27:3
Parker, Amos A. - 28:36
Parker - Helen Jackson - 29:49
Parker, Rev. James - 29:2
Passmore, Helen Vrooman - 30:53
Passumpsic Valley - 27:7
Patch, Anthony (Ringo) - 30:53
Patch, Joey P. - 29:48
Patent medicines - 28:29, 30
Patrick, Mary Maude - 30:50
Patterson, Ellen (Day) - 31
Payne, George F. & Son - 28:16
Peacham, VT, church - 29:2
Peale, Jean Jarve - 28:51
Peanut Row,” 31:42
Peaslee family , Guildhall - 31:3
Peck, Ira - 29:33
Peck, Pennell - 28:51
Peck, Theodore A. - 28:37
Pelsue, Lucile - 30:45 -47
Penn. State Capitol - 27:22; 28:16, 20
Peoples Telephone Co. - 30:35
Perkins family - 30:11
Perkins, Henry - 28:46
Perry, Arthur - 27:26, 28
Perry, Bliss - 27:24; 28:42
Perry, Capt. - 31:34
Perry, Carroll & Toby - 28:12
Perry, Courtland E., Sr. - 30::53
Perry, David - 27:26, 27 - 28
Perry Emilie Stuart - 27:24
Perry, Melvin (Peanut), Sr. - 31:47
Perry, Philip - 27:26, 27, 28
Perry, Reginald - 28:33
Pest houses - 28:29
Peyton Place - 30:20
Phelps, Genl Francis - 31:32\
Philip, M.T. - 28:23
Philippines - 28:2
Phillips, Chester S. (Chet) - 28:48, 49
Phillips, Clarence (Glover) - 28:47, 48, 49, 50
Pico Peak - 30:45
Pierce, S.S. - 30:27, 28
Pingry School - 28:38
Piper, Edith - 27:13
Portland & Ogdensburg RR - 27:12, 20
Post office, Gr. - 29:38
Post, Betty (Davison) - 31:29
Post, Edwin - 30:27; 31:29
 Postage cost (1851) - 28:36
Postcards From VT, A Social History, 1905 -1945 - 27: 42-45
Postmaster/ mistress, Gr. - 29:36
power plant - 27:23
Presby. Ch -, Crafts - 27:47
Prickett, Betty - 29:49
Princeton - 27:24
Princeton Theological Seminary - 28:38
Princeton Univ., (College of NJ) - 28:38, 40, 41
Prohibition - “The Great Experiment,” - 28:8, 9
Prohibition - 28:5, 30; 30:50
Prospect Park, Hdwk - 27:22
Provencal, Hazel E. - 29:49
Putnam, Sumner - 28:29
Putvain, Lolita Mae - 29:48


Quebec Gazette - 27:33


Rail travel cost (1851) - 28:36, 37
Railroad cars - 30:28
railroad depot, Hdwk - 27:11, 14
Raleigh & Watkins, Co. - 29:12
Rand,, Dr. - 28:31
Randall, Claire E. - 27:49
Randall, Eleanor - 29:3
Randall, Florence M. Stowe - 27:50
Randolph Camp. - 30:41
Randolph Rd. Assoc. - 30:42
Randolph Rd. - 29:17
Randolph, VT. - 29:28
Rawson Rangers - 29:34
Rawson, Charles - 29:33
Rawson, Clarissa - 29:32
Rawson, Edward E. - 29:32, 33, 34
Rawson, Elijah - 29:32, 33
Rawson, Elisabeth (Clark) - 29:34
Rawson, Julia (Root) - 29:34
Rawson, Mary (Blake) - 29:33
Rawson, Susanna (Allen) - 29:32, 33
Rawson, William A (died 1879) - 29:34
Rawson, William - 29:32, 33, 34
Red Bank, NJ - 31:1
Rehnquist, William H., (Chief Justice) - 31:47
Religion, Crafts - 27:46
Resettlement Admn - 28:1
Revenue Sharing - 27:12
Revolutionary War - 29:44, 45
Fort #4 - 29:4
Revolutionary War - 30:5, 7
Reynolds, Jean (Lytle) - 29:30
Reynolds, Jean - 28:49
Reynolds, Travis - 29:44
RFD mail delivery - 27:43; 29:36; 31:7
(Rhodes), Martha Warner - 29:24
Rich, Harold - 28:5
Rich, Marjorie (Bixby) - 28:5, 6, 9
Richardson, Anne - 30:51
Richardson, Grandmother - 29:36
Richardson, H.H. - 29:35
Richardson, John - 30:51
Ripton, VT - 27:18
Ritchie, Rev. Donald E. - 30:54
Robeson Mtn, Woodbury - 28:17, 18
Robie, L.S. - 30:35
Robinson Mtn, Woodbury - 27:20, 21
Rodgers, George - 30:51
Rollins Ice Cream Parlor, Gr. - 29:19
“Rom” people (gypsies) - 28:46
Roosevelt, F.D. (Pres.) - 28:2, 3
Roosevelt, Franklin - 28:1
Root, Eliza (Carpenter) - 29:33
Root, Florida (Fort) - 29:33, 34
Root, John W. - 29:35
Root, John Wellborn - 29:34
Root, Julia - 29:32, 34
Root, Mary (Clark) - 29:34
Root, Philip - 31:9
Root, Salmon - 29:32
Root, Sidney - 29:32, 33, 34
Root, Susie - 29:33
Ross, Chief John (Cherokee) - 29:2
Rothstein, Arthur - 28:1, 2
Round dances - 30:51
Rowe, C.S. (Chicago) - 29:17
Rumrunners & Revenuers: Prohibition in Vermont - 28:9
Rumrunners - 28:5, 7, 8, 9
Runaway Pond - 27:33, 34, 35
Runaway Pond monument - 27:37
Runaway Pond: The Complete Story, - 27:33
Rural Electrification Admn - 29:15
Russell, Janet Pearce Wakeley - 30:53
Ryegate, VT. - 28:25


Salisbury family - 30:42
Salisbury, Albert - 30:42
Salisbury, Edgar - 30:42
Salisbury, Herbert - 30:42
Salls and Kitonas, Morrisville - 31:3
Salls, Ephraim W., Sr. - 31:48
Salls, Wilfreda - 29:48
Sam Daniel’s furnace - 30:35
Sanborn, Levi - 28:26
Sanborn, Louisa (Tolman) - 28:26
Sandy Beach cottage - 28:31
Sanford, Gregory, Vt Archvist - 30:39
Sangree, Anne - 27:32
Sangree, Carl - 27:30
Sangree, Huyett - 27:29, 30
Sangree, Jean (Spahr) - 27:29
Sangree, Sarah - 29:18
Sawmills, Hdwk, Walden - 29:9
Sawnee Bean School, Thetford - 31:46
Schade, Nancy - 27:14
Schmidt, Michael A. III - 29:49
School Dist. #8, So. Walden - 30:13
School District #13, Walden - 31:20
School St., E. Hdwk - 28:7
schoolhouses, Hdwk - 27:11-15
Scots to Crafts. - 27:45
Scott, Capt.. Martin - (Bennington Co., VT) 31:32
Scottish Covenanters - 27:46
Scottish immigrant - 28:25
Scottish settlers - 29:5
Scout Club (1915) - 28:34
Second Chance, Morrisville - 28:5
Second Growth - 30:19, 20, 21
Seel, Frederick B. - 28:51
Sequoyah (Cherokee) - 29:1
Seymour Lake - 28:31
Shadow Lake - 27:2
Shadow Lake Rd. - 30:52
Shady Hill School - 27:18
Sharp, David M. - 31:49
Sharpless, Dr. Fred - 28:29 
Sheehy, Donald G. - 27:19
Sheffield, VT - 27:33, 34, 35
Sheffield-Stannard -Walden range - 27:7
Sherman, (General) - 29:34
Shipman, George - 31:40
Shipman, Hattie - 31:40
Shrine of St.Anne deBeaupre - 28:45
Silicosis - 28:21
Simpson farm - 27:43
Simpson ladies - 27:46
Simpson Memorial Library, E. Crafts. - 29:27
Simpson - Miss Jean - 29:27; 30:52
Skinner, Judith C. - 27:50
Skinner, Mr. - 31:32
Smalley, Bertram - 27:18
Smith College - 27:29
Smith, Bernard C. - 30:53
Smith, David B. - 31:47
Smith, Dr. Allen - 28:28
Smith, George A. - 31:19, 22
Smith, Jean & Lacey - 28:12
Smith, Mr. (Hdwk teacher) - 29:47
Smith, Mr., of Thetford - 31:46
Smith, Neil A. - 27:50
Smith, Walter P., judge, - 31:21
Smith, Winnie - 30:42
smuggling (Crafts) - 27:46
Smuggling business, 1930’s - 28:9
Snelling, Gov. Richard - 29:44
Snelling, Joanne, M. - 31:47
Snyder sisters - 28:38
So. Hdwk Academy - 27:12
So. Shaftsbury, VT - 27:16, 17
Social Security Act, 1935 - 28:3
soda shop, Gr. - 29:36
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - 27:17
Somes, Mrs. Andrew - 30:37
Soter, Margaret Fairbanks - 29:48
So. Walden Cemetery - 28:44; 29:9, 13; 30:11
So. Walden Ch, - 29:13; 30:11; 31:8, 20
So. Walden Creamery - 29:8; 31:20, 23
So. Walden store - 28:45
So. Walden, 29:15; 30:6; 31:23
Spahr, Elizabeth - 27:29
Spahr, Jean - 27:29
Spahr, Jean Fine - 27:29
Spahr, Margaret - 27:30, 31, 32
Spaulding Jr. High School,. Barre - 31:45, 46
Spaulding Photo Studio - 30:35
Spaulding, Nathan (Nate) - 31:48
Spear, Elsie - 30:49
Speedwell Farms - 27:8
Speir, Margaret F. - 31:49
Sprague family, Black’s Point - 29:39
Sprague, Katherine - 29:39
Sprague, Theodore - 29:39
Springstead, Evelyn (DeB.)(Foster) - 28:10, 29; 30:48 -50; 31:45-46
Square dances - 30:51
St. J & Lamoille Co., RR - 29:5, 6
St. J. & L.C. RR - 27:18, 20, 21, 22
St. J. & Lake Champlain RR, 31:10
St. Johnsbury Caledonian-Record - 31:40
St. Johnsbury Republican, 31:12
St. Johnsbury, VT - 27:8; 28:31; 29:44; 31:20
St. Lawrence River - 27:6
stage curtain - 27:13
Stage House - 29:25
Stage House, Hdwk St. - 29:23
Stage line, Morrisville, to Waterbury - 28:6
Stanford, Charles - 31:40
Stanley, Joseph - 28;27
Stanley, Mary (Gerould) - 28:27
Stanley, Timothy - 28:27, 36
Stanley -Smith, Caren Reed - 29:48
Stannard Mtn - 27:8; 28:32
Steamboat “Burlington,” 31:36
Steamboat “Constitution” - 31:32, 33
Steamboat “Empire” - 30:28
Steamboat “General Macomb” - 31”33
Steamboat “Robert Fulton,” 31:34
Steamboat “Whitehall,” 30:28
Steamboat Mungo Park - 30:33
Steamboat New Brazil - 30:34
Steens, Levi - 28:36
Stegner, Wallace - 30:19 -22
Stehle, Christian D. - 27:50
stereopticon cards - 27:43
Sterling College - 27:46
Sterns, Abel - 28:36
Stevens family - 30:11
Stevens Hill Rd. - 31:20
Stevens, Deacon J.M. - 28:7
Stevens, Dorothy L. M. - 27:49
Stevens, Simeon H. - 27:46
Stockdale, Allen A. - 31:40
Stockdale, Arthur W. - 31:40
Stockdale, Mrs. - 31:40
Stockdale, Rev. Allen - 28:8
stone carvers - 29:17
Stone House - 28:5, 8
Stone House, Brownington - 29:29
Stoner cottage - 28:49
Stoner, Dave - 27:32
Stoner, Jenny - 27:32
Stowe, Harriet Beecher - 30:36
Stowe, Mrs., of Hdwk - 30:38
Stowe, VT - 27:16, 42
Stowe, VT primary school - 29:46
Straight Univ., New Orleans - 29:30
Strong, Marjorie - 29:13
Strong, Shirley J. - 31:48
Stryker, Roy (1893 -1975) - 28:1, 2
Stuart, Alison - 27:25
Stuart, Beatrice - 27:26
Stuart, Duane R. - 27:24
Sugar rationing, WW II - 29:9
Sugaring operation - 29:9
Suhr - William F. - 31:47
Suhr, Helen Taylor - 29:49
Sullivan, J.E. (Barre) - 29:17
summer colony, Willoughby Lake - 27:5
summer community - 30:41 -2, 43
summer community, Gr - 27:25
summer swim program - 28:12
Supreme Ct justice, ND - 27:46
Sutton, VT - 27:18
Swett & Lincoln, (attorrneys, Ill,) 29:34
Sylvacurl Co. - 31:2


Tanguay, Gaetane - 30:53
taxidermy shops (Glover) - 28:47
Taylor & Dutton, attys - 31:22
Taylor, Katrina V. - 30:53
Taylor, William H. - 27:21
Teevan Jean Hibbard - 31:47
Temperance house, E. Hdwk - 28:7
Temperance leaders - 28:9
Temple Univ. - 27:43
Templeton, Dr. W.F. - 28;28
tennis - 27:25
Thayer, Elizabeth (Betsey) - 30:6
“The Citadel” - 27:26, 27, 28
“The Recipe,” 28:9
The Vermont Townsman - 30:23
The View From the Big Rock - 30:52
Thomas, Ann - 27:50
Thomas, Elywin - 31:43
Thompson, Dale A. - 28:51
Thompson, Will - 30:51
Thoreau, Henry David - 27:17
Throndson, Edward J. - 29:24
Throndson, Edward Warner - 29:25
Throndson, Mary Jo - 29:25
Thronton Springs - 31:43
Thurston, Rev. John - 31:21
Ticonderoga - 29:45
Times -Argus - 30:50
(Toby) Phoebe Roxanna - 31:8, 9, 14, 
Todd, Eunice - 30:27
Todd, Mrs. - 30:28
Tolman Corner - 30:42
Tolman, Alpha - 28:29
Tolman, Eliza - 29:2
Tolman, George - 30:49
Tolman, Henry G. - 30:42
Tolman, Louisa - 28:26
Tolman, Semantha - 28:26
Tolman, Thomas and Lois - 29:2
Tolman, Thomas, (Rev. War -Mass.) - 28:25
Tolman, Thomas, Jr., (born 1786) - 
Tolman’s pasture -  27:25
Torchlights to the Cherokees:…29:1
touring theatrical co. - 27:12
Tousant, Ira (Penny) - 27:49
Townsend Pension Clubs - 28:2
Townsend, Dr. Frances E. (CA) - 28:2
Trail of Tears (Cherokee march 1838 -9) - 29:2
traverse sled - 30:48
Trinity College, CT - 27:19
Trow, George C. & Caroline - 27:13
Trow, Rose Jane - 27:12, 13
Tucker, Sally - 29:6; 30:6, 11
Tugwell, Rexford - 28:2
Twilight - Aaron - 29:28
Twilight, Alexander - 29:27 -29, 31
Twilight, Ichabod - 29:28
Twilight, Mary (Alexander) - 29:28
Twilight, Mercy - 29:29
Twombly, Margaret Olmsted Ford - 31:48
Twombley, Samuel - 27:35


U.S. Embargo/War of 1812 - 28:25
U.S. postal regulations (1860+) - 27:43
Underground railroad - 29:22
Underhill Firing Range - 31:3
United Ch of Christ - 30:35
United Ch of Christ, Gr. - 29:18
United Church - Hdwk - 31:43
United Farmers Coop - 29:8
Univ. of Texas - 27:43
Universalist Ch, So. Walden - 30:11
University of VT, 28:36, 46; 29:2, 30; 30:50
University of VT Medical School - 28:28
UVM’s Mountain Day - 30:45
up -& -down sawmill - 29:6
Urie, A. Isabel Anderson - 27:49
Urie, Andrew J. - 27:49
Urie, Marion - 30:44 -47
Utley, Charles J. - 31:24


Vail, T. N. - 27:8
Vassar College - 27:26
Vergennes, VT - 29:29
Vermont Asylum for the Insane - 30:25
Vermont Central Rail line - 28:37
Vermont Folklife Center - 30:47
Vermont Historical Society - 28:25
Vermont Journal - 27:33
Vermont Life - 29:44
Victory Store - 28;4
Village Diner (Hdwk) - 28:3
Village water system (1912) - 28:33
Visser, Tom, - 31:11
Vogelman, Hub - 30:20
von Carlowitz, Baroness Irene - 29:25
von Carlowitz, Carol A. - 29:25
von Carlowitz, Isabella - 2925
vonCarlowitz, Baroness Irene - 29:21
vonCarlowitz, Carl Adolph - 29:22
vonRosenberg, Katherine McN W. - 29:21
VT governors from Crafts - 27:46
VT Children’s Aid Soc. - 31:43
VT. Juvenile Missionary Soc. - 29:2


W.C.T. U. watering trough, E. Hdwk - 28:7
Wakefield, F.F. - 28:33
Walden blockhouse - 30:7
Walden Hgts - 29:6
Walden Historical Committee - 31:9, 24
Walden Pond - 27:17
Walden, VT - 27:14; 31:8
Wales, Betty - 27:31
War Fund Sale - 28:4
War of 1812 - 27:45; 29:45
Ward, Charles - 29:18
Ward, Dr. & Mrs. Amasa M. - 27:13
Warner Stage House - 29:20, 21, 22
Warner Tavern Stand - 29:22
(Warner), Eliza - 29:23
Warner, Alice M. - 29;24
Warner, Alpha, Jr - 29:22, 24
Warner, Andrew - (England) 29:22
Warner, Anna ( - -) (Burton) - 29:21
Warner, Col. Alpha - 29:20, 21, 22, 23
Warner, Daniel & Mary (Wright) - 29;22
Warner, Emma (Noddin) - 29:24, 25
Warner, Holden R. - 29:23, 24, 25
Warner, Julia Agnes - 29:24
Warner, Lydia (Cobb) - 29:21, 22
Warner, Maria - 29:22, 23
Warner, Martha (Rhodes) - 29:24
Warner, Seth - 29:44
Washburn, Col. , Montpelier, VT - 31:35
Washburn, Rev. Mr. - 31:35
Washington Electric Cooperative - 29:15
Washington, George (Pres.) - 28:35
water tub, Hdwk - 28:3
Waterbury train depot - 27:42
Waterbury, VT - 28:2
Waterman, Mr. (Cincinnati, OH) - 30:29, 31
Watson, Charles A. - 28:15
Webster, Miss, of Topsham - 31:45
Weeks, Dr. - 31:22
Weeks, John, store - 30:11, 12, 13
West Burke, VT - 27:6
West Topsham, VT - 28:5
Westerfield, Ray - 28:34
Westmore, VT - 27:4
Westville, GA - 29:32
Wheeler, Avery - 30:41, 42
Wheeler, Gilman - 30:42
Wheeler, Jeunes - 30:42
Wheeler, Leonard - 30:42
Wheeler, Samuel P. - 29:17
Wheeler, Scott - 28:9
Wheelock, Abijah - 30:6
Wheelock, Asa - 30:6
Wheelock, Mr. , Windham Co., VT - 31:32
Wheelock, Peter - 30:6
Wheelock, VT - 27:34
Whipple, ( - -), (1822, Hdwk) - 29:22
White Mtns, NH - 27:16
White, Beatrice - 28:51
White, Irwin (Sonny), Jr. - 31:48
White, Joyce A. - 27:48
Whitehill family - 30:42
Whitelaw, James - 28:25, 26
Whitman, Anne - 29:40
Whitman, Cedric & Ruth - 29:39, 42 (poem)
Whitman, Rachel - 29:39
Whitman -Raymond, Lee - 29:39, 40
Wilberforce Univ, Ohio - 29:30
Wilder, Mr, Essex Co., NY - 31:29, 30
Wilhelmina, Aunt - 28:32
Willard’s, Mrs., Seminary - Troy, NY - 30:28
Willey, Bob - 28:49, 50
Willey, Clayton - 30:53
Willey, Dorothy - 30:49
Willey, Edla - 29:48
Willey, Lawrence R. - 30:54
Willey’s Store - 27:32, 42; 28:49; 29:36, 40
Willey’s Store (buggy deliveries) - 28:33
Williams College - 27: 26
Williams, Dr. Samuel (1743 -1817) - 31:25
Willmarth, Ira - 28:26
Willmarth, Semantha (Tolman) - 28:26
Willoughby Lake - 27:2, 4, 5, 18; 28:31
Wills, Sally Ann Lance - 30:54
Wilson Eleanor - 30:52
Wilson, Earl - 27:46
Wilson, Harriette R. - 29:36
Wilson, Harriette - 28:51
Wilson, Harrison & Annie - 30:52
Wilson, Lucy - 29:36
Wilson, Martha - 30:52
Wilson, Ormond H. farm, S. Walden - 31:20
Wilson, Robert - 29:36
Windsor, CA - 29:20
Windsor, CT - 29:1
Winter, I.W. - 31:9
Wisconsin State Capitol - 28:16
Withers, Evelyn M. - 30:53
Withers, Frances G. - 31:48
Wolcott hotel - 27:43
Wolcott St. - 27:20
Wolcott, Marion Post - 28:2
Wolcott, VT - 27:40; 28:17; 29:46
Women’s Union - 29:38
Woodbury Granite Co. - 27:21, 22, 23; 31:43
Woodbury Granite Co. (1896) - 28:15 -24
Woodbury Granite Co., 1912 map - 28:14
Woodbury Gulf Rd. - 27 -20; 28:3
Woodbury, VT - 28:17; 31:23
Woodcock, George O. - 28:15
Woodstock, VT - 28:2
Worcester, Leonard - 29:1
Worcester, Rev. Samuel (1770 -1821) - 29:1
Worcester, Rev. Samuel A. (1798 -1859) - 29:1
work bees - 27:45
World Columbian Expo, Chicago - 27:43
World War I (The Great War) - 27:26, 43, 44; 28:34; 29:15; 31:43
World War II - 27:28; 28:2, 49; 29:9, 15; 31:2, 3
Wright, Alice M. - 29:49
Wright, Frank Lloyd - 29:35
Wright, Lynn A. - 31:47



Yale Divinity School - 29:30
Yankee bank barn - 31:10-11
Young, Bruce - 30:49


Zampieri, Ola Gomes - 30:53